Listen 20 – Air Travel

Music Hosting – Download Audio – Track 46 TASK1: Passengers are discussing a problem with a flight attendant. Listen and circle the correct answer. 1. a. There’s no sound coming through the headphones. b. The sound from the headphones isn’t clear. c. The passenger didn’t get headphones. 2. a. There’s nothing in the seat pocket. […]

Transcripts & Answer Keys

Music Hosting – Download Audio – Track 46 Transcripts  1. A: Excuse me. These headphones don’t seem to be working properly. B: Really? Are you hearing any sound at all? A: Yes, but it isn’t very clear. B: Let me check them for you. You’re right. I’U get another set of headphones for you after […]

Transcripts & Answer keys

Music podcasts – Embed Audio Files – Track 44 Transcripts  1. A: Could you put your seat forward now, sir? We’ll be landing shortly. B: So soon? Great! 2. A: Could you fill out this customs form before we arrive, please? B: Sure. A: Thank you. 3. A: I’m sorry, sir. Please put out your […]

Transcripts & Answer Keys

Play Music – Play Audio – Track 42 Transcripts 1. These microwave ovens are very popular. You won’t find them in other stores because they’re made especially for us. We import them from our factory in Mexico. They’re very well made and come with a three-year guarantee. Your receipt is your guarantee. One great thing […]

Transcripts & Answer Keys

Download Music – Audio Hosting – Track 39 Transcripts 1. A: What do you think of this jacket? B: The style’s okay, I guess. How much is it? A: It’s $40. B: Wow! That’s really cheap. What colors does it come in? A: Looks like they have it in black, gray, red, and brown. B: […]

Transcripts & Keys

Listen Music – Download Audio – Track 37-Shoping Transcripts 1. A: This is nice. I like the color. Do you have a medium? B: You’re holding a medium right now A: Oh, good. Can I try it on? B: Sure, you can go right in there— behind you. 2. A: Where are these made? B: […]