The gift

Free Music – Download Audio – The Gift I know what it was I wanted to tell you about, it was Christmas. I call myself a traveller who never did, but my mother and father were both brought up on the road. It was my mother who wanted to settle, long before I was born. […]

The Lively Writers’ Group

Embed Music – Music podcasts – The Lively Writers’ Group There was a fight at writers’ group last night. It was great. The best meeting I’ve ever been to. Definitely worth 2 quid. Where else would you get to watch a fight, flirt with the jailbait Goth chick that writes poetry and get a cup […]

Holiday Butterflies

Upload Music Files – Embed Audio – holiday butterflies The clicking of Mum’s white plastic platform boots on the flagstones behind me was suddenly drowned out by an announcement: The arrival of the 10.45 from Bristol. Despite her near naked state, in lime green hot pants and a t-shirt, Mum was huffing and puffing in […]

The Oak Door

Embed Music Files – Embed Audio Files – The Oak Door Lilly stands staring at the great oak door. She loved this old wooden door. She loved the coolness of the oak against her fingertips, the smoothness of the dark varnish, and the deep swirls which decorated its surface. She would sit and stare, wondering […]

On the Move: Under the Stack

Free Music – Upload Audio – On the Move Under the Stack-… The sun set, the stars moved across the night sky, the sun rose, and Saturday dawned as bright, brittle and inevitable as the removal van that stood in the street at the end of the close. The boy’s prayers were left unanswered. His […]

The Sniper’s Farewell

Music File Hosting – Embed Audio Files – The Sniper’s Farewell Auld Tam Gourley lay in the bed nearest the door of the ward. He had fallen into the coma that would end his days – only a few hours were left to him. To any who observed, he was entering that state of death […]

Pearls Of Wisdom

Upload Music Files – Play Audio – Pearls Of Wisdom “Yoo hoo! Grandma! It’s only me!” Rosa called, bustling into the light and warmth of the only room in the small stone cottage. “Mum’s sent you some beef stew,” she dumped her basket on the solid oak table, hung her red cloak on the back […]