Transcripts and Answer keys

Listen Music – Download Audio – Track 35 Transcripts 1. We went to Luigi’s Italian restaurant last night. It was the first time I’d been there. It took us a long time to find it because it’s not a very easy place to get to, actually. The restaurant was okay, I guess. It’s small and […]

Transcripts & Answer keys

Download Music – Podcast Hosting – Track 32 Transcripts 1. A: What would you like to order? B: I think I’ll have the fish. A: Okay, and would you like asparagus or a baked potato? B: I’ll have the asparagus. And could 1 have some tea please? A: Sure. B: Oh! Could you ask the […]

Listen 14 – Restaurant

Download Music – Podcast Hosting – Track 32 TASK1: People are ordering food in a restaurant. What does each person order? Listen and check (/) the correct picture. TASK2: Listen again. Are these statements true or false? Check (/) the correct answer. Tapescripts & Answer keys

Listen 13 – Restaurant

Podcast Hosting – Listen Audio – Track 30 TASK 1. Where do the people decide to eat? Listen and circle the correct answer. 1. a. Chinese restaurant b. Fast Fried Chicken 2. a. Quick Burger b. Pizza Pit 3. a. home b. out 4. a. steak house b. Korean restaurant 5. a. seafood restaurant b. […]

Trasncripts & Answer keys

Podcast Hosting – Listen Audio – Track 30 Transcripts 1. A: What do you feel like eating tonight? B: Oh, something quick. We had a huge lunch at that Chinese restaurant, so let’s just pick up some Fast Fried Chicken. 2. A: I’m really starving. Where can we eat? B: Well, there’s always Pizza Pit or […]

Listen 12 – Parties

Music Hosting – Share Audio – Track 28 TASK1. People are talking about parties. What did they do at each party? Listen and circle the correct answer. 1. She  … a. played party games b. danced c. sang songs 2. He   … a. watched a home video b. danced c. ate lots of food  3. […]

Transcripts & Answer keys

Music Hosting – Share Audio – Track 28 Transcripts 1.  Hey, what a great party that was! There were lots of interesting people  there, and some really cute guys. I met one really nice guy named Tony—I think he’s going to call me next week. Anyway, the best thing was the music. Everyone danced a […]

Listen 11 – Parties

Share Music – Download Audio – Track 25 TASK 1. People are talking at a party. Listen and number the pictures. TASK 2. Listen again. Circle the correct answer. 1. a. The cake is homemade. b. The cake came from a store. c. A friend brought the cake. 2. a. She’ll play now. b. She […]

Transcripts & Answer keys

Share Music – Download Audio – Track 25 Scripts 1. A: Mmm, this is really delicious. Did you make it yourself? B: Yes, I dia. A: What’s it got in it? B: Chocolate—and more chocolate. 1 A: Do you play? B: Yes I do. Well, a little. A: Why don’t you play something for us? […]