The Getaway Driver

Download Music – Upload Audio – Short Story_ The Getaway Dri… “He’s a moron.” “I know, I know,” nodded Tom. “There is more sense in a dead penguin,” Frank expanded. Tom just nodded this time. Such exchanges were regular but they didn’t upset me – I knew that they were just kidding. I had met […]

The walk home from school was always filled with their taunting faces. They danced around me singing that awful name. I’d get home, my clothes torn from the pulling and the groping. I’d fix on my Good Sammi smile. Good Sammi doesn’t cry or get upset. Mum loves Good Sammi, and when I’m good she […]

Hi. My Name Is…

Embed Music – Free Audio – Hi. My Name Is… BAM, BAM, BAM! The knocking on my front door was getting louder and more insistent. Good grief! Would she ever give up and just go away? I looked furtively around my living room to make sure there was no evidence that I was home. The […]

Taming the HULK

Mothers can relate to The Incredible Hulk. We all have those gentle Bruce Banner moments where our lives, and children, are calm, enriching and fulfilling. Birds sing on our shoulder while we bake cookies and our well-mannered kids sip lemonade on the front porch. Life is good. On the flip side are the moments that […]


Free Music – Download Audio – Swansong She was angry at life. She painted, sometimes as if to blot out the rage. Her fury was visible in the vigorous strokes of her brushwork. To be seventy three years old was in itself enough reason for anger; and now winter was here and it was cold […]


Share Music – Share Audio – pervert Linda found herself staring out of the window into the cold morning light. It was a ridiculous thing to do at her age – 30 years old today. Far too old to be looking out for the postman with a sense of growing excitement. After all, what could […]

Beyond Repair

Embed Music – Embed Audio Files – Beyond Repair My front wheel is over it before I have time to react. I swerve and run the car on to the grass verge. I stop, heart hammering, afraid to look back at what I have done. In the dusk, it is difficult to see. I think […]

Out To Play

Once again Harlow felt his morale being bolstered by the reassuring presence of the high calibre pistol nestling in his inside pocket. He eyeballed his opponent… already one man lay dead, his skull crushed by a lethal blow from… Tony stopped typing, blinked, and rubbed his forehead. The afternoon sun glinted on the sovereign ring […]


He did all the things he always did in the morning: he closed the door between the kitchen and the hall, left the note for the cleaner beside the ivory elephant on the hall table, straightened the mat before closing the front door behind him. He could hear the city before he saw it; the […]

The Pianist

Embed Music Files – Play Audio – The Pianist He came to me that morning. It was a year since I had been shattered. Destitute of hope. Four whole seasons had passed and I found it impossible to forget, let alone to forgive, what had happened to me. My body hibernated in sadness, inside the […]