Scripts & Keys

Podcast Hosting – Embed Audio Files – Track 11 Scripts 1. A: City Cabs. B: Yes, I’d like a taxi to the airport, please. I’m at 421 Evergreen Street. A: Certainly. For how many passengers? Br Just one. About how much will it cost? A: It’s 40 dollars. Your taxi number is 6889. B: 6889. […]

Listen 5 – City Transportation

Music podcasts – Play Audio – Track 11 Task1. Four hotel guests are calling for a taxi. Are these statements true or false? Listen and check (/) the correct answer. true false 1. The caller’s flight leaves in four hours. 2. The caller wants to go to another hotel. 3. The caller needs to catch […]

Listen 4 – Transcripts and Answer keys

Download Music – Listen Audio – Track 09 1. A: Are the subways always this crowded? B: Yep, every morning and in the evening at rush hour. A: Wow! 2. A: How much is the fare? B: It’s $1.25. Just put your money in the box right there. A: Oh, do you have change? B: […]

Transcripts & Answer keys

Embed Music Files – Play Audio – Track 07 Transcripts 1. I had a really great weekend. I didn’t have anything to do on Saturday afternoon so 1 went to the mall. I went into a department store to look around. They were having a contest. All you had to do was write answers to […]

Listen 3 – Weekend

Embed Music Files – Play Audio – Track 07 People are talking about their weekends. How was each person’s weekend? Listen and circle the correct answers. 1 So-so Terrible Great 2 Disappointing Pleasant Boring 3 Tiring Terrific Wonderful   4 Awful Quiet Enjoyable Listen again. Are these statements true or false? Check the correct answer. […]

Do not read this story

Podcast Hosting – Free Audio – Short Story_ Do Not Read Thi… The two men stood in my front doorway, grey-faced and sombre. “First of all we wish to assure you that you have done nothing wrong.” “Thank you, I was already aware of that.” “You are not accused or suspected of anything. You have […]

Cry me a river

Download Music – Listen Audio – Short Story_ Cry Me A River She wiped the wet fringes of what was left of a perm back under her hood and shouted after her wee boy, running ahead of her up the slope of the High Street. He danced on the pavement, waiting for her. “Stay by […]

Lilo is a fat cow

Embed Music – Free Audio – Short Story_ Lilo Is A Fat C… Leila loved bed. She loved bed more than anything else in the world. She also loved sofa, and was quite attached to the plush seats at the back of her local cinema. Leila had once caused her parents great anguish by getting […]

Coffee under the desk

Upload Music Files – Upload Audio Files – Coffee Under A Desk “I enclose one of my fingernails for your information,” the letter signed off. Bruce stared at the words that had concluded a fairly normal letter. With trepidation he peered inside the thin white envelope previously discarded into the recycle bin. As promised, there […]