Trasncripts & Answer keys

Listen Music – Listen Audio – Track 16 Transcripts 1. A bunch of us are going to get something to eat after class. How about coming with us? 2. I think it’ll be too cold to go to the beach this weekend. How about going to the health club instead? It’s got a great indoor […]

Listen 29 – Keeping Fit

Music podcasts – Upload Audio – Track 11 TASK1. People are comparing different kinds of exercise. Which kind of exercise does each person prefer now? Listen and check (/) the correct answer. TASK2. Listen again. Circle the reason each person likes the kind of exercise he or she does now. Transcripts & Answer keys

Trasncripts & Anwer keys

Music podcasts – Upload Audio – Track 11 Transcripts 1. I used to lift weights, but I didn’t really enjoy it. So that’s when I started swimming. Now I do it about twice a week. It’s much more fun. I go to a nice pool near my office. It’s never too crowded, which is great. […]

Listen 28 – Keeping Fit

Listen Music – Play Audio – Track 09 People are talking about New Year’s resolutions. What is each person going to do? Listen and circle the correct answer. Transcripts & Answer keys

Transcripts & Answer keys

Listen Music – Play Audio – Track 09 Transcripts 1. A: What’s your New Year’s resolution, Lee? B: I’m really going to get in shape this year. I’m going to exercise every day and lose five kilos. You watch. 2. A: Have you made any New Year’s resolutions? B: Sure. I’m going to give up […]

Listen 27 – Work & Jobs

Music File Hosting – Free Audio – Track 07 TASK1. People are talking about their jobs. Which statement is true? Listen and circle the correct answer. 1. He … a. does all of his work on the telephone b. spends a lot of time talking to people c. has worked there a short time d. […]

TRasncripts & Answer keys

Music File Hosting – Free Audio – Track 07 Trasncripts  1. I work for a market research company. We do research for companies that are planning to develop new products. I call people and ask them questions about products they are using now. Sometimes I invite people to come to meetings. We discuss plans for […]

Listen 26 – Work & Jobs

Upload Music – Embed Audio Files – Track 04 TASK1: People are talking about their jobs. What does each person do? Listen and circle the correct answer. TASK2: Listen again and circle correct answer. Transcripts & Answer Keys

Transcripts & Answer keys

Upload Music – Embed Audio Files – Track 04 Trasncripts  1. A: So where do you work now, Phil? B: I’m working at a night club downtown. A: Hey, that’s kind of interesting. Are you the manager or something? B: Oh, yeah! Right! Actually I play the drums in the band. A: Oh! How long […]