Initial B

baby-sitter: person engaged to care for children when the parents are not home bachelor: unmarried men; the first or lowest academic degree conferred by universities and colleges backbone: support; mainstay; vertebrate spine or spinal column backward: directed to the back or rear; unwilling; averse; reluctant; hesitating; undeveloped bacon: back and sides of a pig salted […]

Inital A

abandon: lacking restraint or control; feeling of extreme emotional intensity; unbounded enthusiasm abandonment: giving up completely; freedom from constraint abbreviation: shortening something by omitting parts of it abeyance: suspended action; temporary cessation or suspension abide: endure; put up with; bear; tolerate ability: capacity; skill abnormal: unusual; not typical; not normal aboard: on a ship, train, […]

Listen 42 – Growing Roses

Upload Music – Download Audio – Growing Roses M: Excuse me, ma’am. I have a problem with my rose bush. It used to produce a lot of pink roses. But now it doesn’t produce any flowers at all. W: I see. That does seem like a problem. Do the leaves on the plant look healthy? […]

Listen 42 – Growing Roses

Upload Music – Download Audio – Growing Roses 1. What problem does the man have with his rose bush? 2. What kind of fertilizer does woman suggest to fix the problem? 3. How much is the fertilizer, according to the woman? 4. How much time does it take for the rose bush to be normal? […]

Listen 41 – Let’s Recycle!

Download Music – Free Audio – ListeningPracticeThroughDict… 1/ Where did they hear the new law from? 2/ What will be recycled in the new law? 3/ How much does the woman think to pay extra for a cup of coffee? 4/ What happens when you return the cup? Transcripts

A Picnic by the River

Share Music – Audio Hosting – A Picnic by the River   W: This is a good spot. Let’s stop and have our picnic next to the river. M: Good idea. Walking always makes me hungry. I’m ready for lunch. W: We can sit here on the grass. Oh no! Someone forgot to throw these […]

Listen 40 – A Picnic by the River

Music Hosting – Listen Audio – ListeningPracticeThroughDict… 1/ What wrong with the grass they want to sit on? 2/ What are under the tress? 3/ What are they going to do after the picnic? 4/ What is their intention for the next picnic? Transcripts

Practice Test 2 – listening transcripts + Answer Keys and audio

Upload Music – Listen Audio Files – 03 TEst 2 TRANSCRIPTS Cassette 1 Side A Listening Test 2 Sections 1,2 and 3. Section 4 is on Cassette 1, Side B Narrator: Prepare for IELTS Practice Listening Tests.Practice Listening Test 2. Turn to Section 1 of Practice Listening Test 2. Section 1. This conversation is between […]

Practice Test 1 – listening transcripts + Answer Keys and audio

Music File Hosting – Music podcasts – Test 1 Tapescript: Listening Practice Test 1 Narrator: Here are some instructions regarding these Practice Listening Tests. In each Practice Listening Test on these two tapes you will hear a number of different recordings, and you will have to answer questions on what you hear. There will be […]