Intermediate Articles

The best recruiting agent To bring back the lost memories Palm tree Overreacting to a joke Alpine forests The Assembly Line Allergic reactions to cosmetics The “Jazz Age” Pacific Salmon for the Japanese The museum robbery  Reading Rerading to the child Just for pleasure The Invader Weaning The Computer When seized with cramp A “Sissy” […]


In 1849 a servant girl wrote home to her brother from Port Adelaide, South Australia: “I have accepted a situation at £20 per annum, so you can tell the servants in your neighbourhood not to stay in England for such wages as from £4 to £8 a year, but come here.” Letters such as these, […]


UNIT 4 atmosphere n [U] (47) the feeling which exists in a place or situation attractive adj (39) beautiful or pleasant to look at cite v [T] (37) to mention something as an example or proof of something else consist of up (43) to be formed or made from two or more things cool u […]


UNIT 3 aim to do something vp (29) to try to achieve something alternative adj (33) An alternative plan, method, etc. is one that you can use if you do not want to use another one. at a reduced price phrase (30) for less money than something usually costs avoid v [T] (33) to not […]


UNIT 2 account n [C] (18) a written or spoken description of something that has happened ancient adj (18) from a long time ago a’ward v [T] (18) to officially give someone something such as a prize or an amount of money benefit n [C, U] (24) something that helps you or gives you an […]


UNIT 1 access n [U] (11) when you have the right or opportunity to use or see something conclude v [I] (9) to decide something after studying all the information about it very carefully conduct research vp (9) to study a subject to find information about it consume v [T] (11) to use something such […]

Intial Z

zeal: intense interest; eagerness to accomplish some object zealous: enthusiastic; filled with or motivated by zeal zone: region; portion of the surface of a sphere; zoology: part of biology which relates to the animal kingdom

Initial Y

yacht: light ship used for private pleasure trips yard: rod; stick; branch; long piece of timber; measure of length, equaling three feet yawn: open the mouth wide with a deep inhalation, usually involuntarily from drowsiness, fatigue, or boredom yearn: pain; grieve; vex; be pained or distressed; feel deep pity, sympathy, or tenderness yeast: foam, or […]

Initial W

wade: paddle; walk through relatively shallow water wag: move one way and the other with quick turns; shake to and fro; move in vibrating; cause to vibrate wage: hazard on the event of a contest; stake; engage in, as a contest; adventure, or lay out, for hire or reward; hire; employ wagon: any of various […]