Transcripts & Andwer keys

Music Hosting – Upload Audio – Track 30 Transcripts 1. I love to eat out. I eat at restaurants most of the time. It’s expensive, but I don’t care. 2. I read almost everything I can: books, magazines, newspapers. I go to the public library about twice a week. 3. I never used to like […]

Listen 34 – Small Talks

Free Music – Podcast Hosting – Track 28 TASK1. People are talking about their vacations. Listen and number the topics from 1 to 4 in the order they are mentioned. TASK2. Listen again. For each topic, does the person have a positive or negative opinion? Check (/) the correct answer. Trasncripts & Answer keys

Transcripts & Answer keys

Free Music – Podcast Hosting – Track 28 Transcripts 1. Los Angeles is really beautiful. Everyone is so healthy and perfect ­looking, but kind of unfriendly. This afternoon I was parking my car at the beach when this man in a pickup truck started yelling at me. He said it was his parking space. At […]

Transcripts & Answer keys

Upload Music Files – Audio Hosting – Track 23 Transcripts 1. A: So, what are you taking this semester? ! B: Well, Tm taking a business class… A: Me, too. Whose class are you in? B: Professor Jones’s. A: Oh, so am I. B: How do you like the class so far? A: I really […]

Listen 32 – Invitations

Upload Music Files – Play Audio – Track 21 TASK1.  Listen to the invitations in Judy’s voice mail. Are the statements true or false? Check the correct answer. 1. a. The invitation is to watch a baseball game. b. Friends from school will be there. c. They’ll go out to eat. d. The meeting time […]

Transcripts & Answer keys

Upload Music Files – Play Audio – Track 21 Transcripts 1. Judy. This is David. How are things? I’m calling to see if you want to come over to my place on Friday night. Some friends from school are coming over to watch the soccer game on TV. They’ll probably bring pizza to eat while […]

Listen 31 – Invitations

Share Music – Music podcasts – Track 18 TASK1. Does each person accept or refuse the invitation? Listen and circle the correct answer. TASK2. Listen again. Are these statements true or false? Check (/) the correct answer. Trasncripts & Answer keys

Transcripts & Answer keys

Share Music – Music podcasts – Track 18 Transcripts 1. A: Listen. I’ve got some tickets for a great rock concert on Sunday night. Are you free, Mary? B: Sunday night? Yeah, I’m free. What kind of concert did you say it is? A: A rock concert. B: Oh, that’s what I thought you said. […]