A Princess of Mars, Part 2

Download Music – Play Audio – A Princess of Mars – Part 2 … Last week we brought you the first of four programs called  “A Princess of Mars.”  Our story is from a series of books by American writer Edgar Rice Burroughs.  They are science fiction stories, a mix of imagination and science. Last […]

A Princess of Mars, Part 1

Listen Music – Audio File Hosting – A Princess of Mars – Part 1 … Today, we begin a new series from a book by American writer Edgar Rice Burroughs. The book is called “A Princess of Mars.” It is the first book in a series that Mr. Burroughs wrote about a man who travels […]

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge

Share Music – Upload Audio Files – An Occurrence at Owl Creek B… Our story today is called, “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge. ” It was written by Ambrose Bierce.  The occurrence, or event, in our story takes place during the Civil War of the eighteen sixties between the American states of the north […]

A Horseman in the Sky

Free Music – Audio Hosting – A Horseman in the Sky (By Am… Our story today is called, “A Horseman in the Sky.” It was written by Ambrose Bierce. Here is Roy Depew with the story. Narrator: Carter Druse was born in Virginia. He loved his parents, his home and the south. But he loved […]

The Boarded Window (By Ambrose Bierce)

Embed Music Files – Listen Audio – The Boarded Window (By Ambro… Our story today is called “The Boarded Window.” It was written by Ambrose Bierce. Here is Shep O’Neal with the story. In 1830, only a few miles away from what is now the great city of Cincinnati, Ohio, lay a huge and almost […]

One Thousand Dollars (By O. Henry)

Music Hosting – Upload Audio – Short Story_ _One Thousand D… Our story today is called “One Thousand Dollars.”  It was written by O. Henry.  Here is Steve Ember with the story. “One thousand dollars,” said the lawyer Tolman, in a severe and serious voice.  “And here is the money.” Young Gillian touched the thin […]


NOUNS: Definition and Kinds of nouns “Danh Từ – Định Nghĩa và loại danh từ” I.ĐỊNH NGHĨA(Definition) Danh từ là từ hoặc nhóm từ dùng để chỉ người (john, teacher, mother…), vật(chair, dog,…), nơi chốn (city, church, England,…), tính chất(beauty, courage, sorrow…)hay hoạt động (travel, cough, walk,…). II.CÁC LOẠI DANH TỪ(KIND OF NOUNS) Dựa trên các […]

SENIORS 1 – lesson 2 ” Greeting – chào hỏi”

Goal languages: Hi: chào Hello: chào Good morning: chào (buổi sáng) Good afternoon: chào (buổi chiều) Good evening: chào (buổi tối) How are you? bạn khỏe không? How’s everything? bạn ổn chứ? (Mọi việc như thế nào?) How’s it going? bạn ổn chứ? (Mọi việc như thế nào?) fine: ổn I’m fine: tôi ổn Great: tuyệt […]