Episode 145: Report Writing

Khalid: How was your day Tim? Tim: Awful! I can see I’ve got a right handful with Jack, the chef. Khalid: What’s the problem? Tim: Well, he turned up late again and he really seemed annoyed when I took him to task about it. Khalid: So you’re having a trouble asserting your authority as a […]

Episode 144: A call from China

Helen’s mum: So how are you my dear? Helen: Pretty good mum. Mum: That’s nice to hear. I know it’s been difficult getting over that boy Michal. But I’ve noticed that you seem a bit more cheerful these days. You’re working harder at uni. And you’ve got that nice boy John to help you too. […]

Episode 143: Marriage vows

Paul: So, how are you? Alice: Not great. I’ve been thinking about us a lot. And you know what? Paul: What? Alice: I think Lucy’s right. If there’s any way you two can save your marriage, you’ve got to give it a go. Paul: I know that’s the right thing to do but a part […]

Episode 142: Booking a court

Manager: Hello Sports World. How can I help you? Helen: Do you have any courts free for Monday evening at 7.30 please? Manager: Oh yes, we have plenty available then. Helen: Good. And can we hire racquets and balls at the court? Manager: Oh yes, we can provide you with all that. Now, how many […]

Episode 141: Late again

Jack: Hiya Sally. Hello Tim. Sally: Right, I’m off. I have to run or I’ll be late for college. Bye! Tim: Bye Sally! So Jack, what time do you call this? This is your third late appearance this week. Jack: I’m only 10 minutes late. Tim: 10 minutes makes a lot of difference to Sally. […]

Episode 140: Which sport?

Khalid: What are you up to? Helen: Oh, just looking at what’s on offer at the sports centre. Khalid: How come? Helen: Well I promised myself that I was going to get fit. I want to do a sport. I just don’t know which one. Khalid: Well, have you thought about if you like team […]

Episode 139: The chef’s hat

Chef: And here’s one egg and chips. Tim: Thanks. And can I have a double cheeseburger when you’re ready. Em Jack, are you sure this egg is cooked enough? It looks a little bit runny to me. Jack: What’s that on your head? Tim: Nothing. Jack: Yeah I thought so. There’s no chef’s hat there, […]

Episode 138: Second thoughts

Alice: Paul, you’re so naive sometimes. Paul: I’m more realistic than you think I am Alice. Alice: What? Paul: It’s just that Lucy’s having second thoughts about the divorce. Alice: Well it’s too late now to change her mind. You did tell her that? Paul: Not exactly. Alice: Not exactly? You’re not thinking about getting […]

Episode 137: The elephant in the corner

Paul: But then he said he was suddenly better and he didn’t need to see me! Alice: Incredible! Now we can go on making small talk like this all evening if you like, but I’d rather we tackled that big old elephant in the corner. Paul: What elephant is that then? Alice: Lucy. And before […]

Episode 136: An empty box

Tim: Oh chocolates, brilliant! Just what the new manager needs to get his energy level back up. Oh no! Who’d leave an empty box here just to tease me, eh Kitty? Helen: Hi Tim. How was your first day? Tim: Hard work but pretty good fun actually. You don’t look great. Are you OK? Helen: […]

Thưa Quý phụ huynh,
MerlinEnglish xin thông báo lịch nghỉ Tết Nguyên Đán 2025.
Các lớp sẽ nghỉ học từ thứ Năm ngày 23 tháng 01 năm 2025 đến hết thứ Sáu ngày 07 tháng 02 năm 2025 (Ngày Dương).
Thứ bảy ngày 08 tháng 02 năm 2025 các lớp sẽ hoạt động trở lại bình thường.
Xin cảm ơn sự hỗ trợ và ủng hộ của Quý phụ huynh cùng các em học viên trong năm qua. Xin kính chúc Quý phụ huynh & các em học viên một mùa Tết đầm ấm, an vui bên gia đình và một Năm mới an khang, thịnh vượng!
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