Listen 10 – Parties

Listen Music – Listen Audio – Track 23 TASK1. People are discussing parties. What kind of event are they talking about? Listen and circle the correct answer. 1. a. dinner party b. surprise party 2. a. potluck dinner b. barbecue 3. a. surprise party b. birthday party 4. a. buffet b. birthday party 5 a. buffet b. barbecue 6. a. potluck dinner b. buffet […]

Transcripts & Answer keys

Listen Music – Listen Audio – Track 23 Transcripts  1. A: Here we are. Can you turn on the light? My hands are full. B: Sure. C: Surprise! A: Happy anniversary, honey. B: And I thought you forgot! 2. A: Are you going to Joe’s party? B: Yes, I am. A: What are you going […]

Transcripts & Answer keys

Listen Music Files – Download Audio – Track 21 Transcripts 1. A: Right now you’re taking a small car, but you know, I can give you a much more comfortable car if you like B: How much more will it cost to take a large car? A: It’s only an extra $5 a day if […]

Listen 9 – Renting a car

Listen Music Files – Download Audio – Track 21 TASK1: A rental agent is suggesting different options to customers. Do the customers accept or refuse the option? Listen and check the correct answer. TASK2: Listen again. Are these statements true or flase? Check the correct answer. True False A large car costs an extra $5 […]

Listen 8 – Renting a car

Play Music – Embed Audio – Track 18 TASK1. Listen to people talking about cars at a rental company. Check the correct information. TASK 2: Listen again. Why does each person want to rent a car? Circle the correct answer. 1. a. business b. pleasure c. business and pleasure 2. a. business b. pleasure c. […]

Transcripts & Keys

Listen Music – Embed Audio – Track 18 Trasncripts 1. A: Hi. I’m in town on business and I need a car. B: Sure. How long do you need it for? A: I guess for seven days. Then I can use it to go sightseeing over the weekend when I finish my business here. B: […]

scripts & keys

Play Music – Podcast Hosting – Track 16 Scripts 1 A: Let me show you this two-door car. B: You mean the blue one? A: That’s right. People love renting this car. It’s fast and fun, and it’s got a really great stereo system. You’ll have a great time at the beach with this car. […]

scripts and keys

Music Hosting – Download Audio – Track 14 Transcripts  1. I hate using taxis here. The drivers drive too fast and really dangerously. And they’re often rude. The cars are mostly in pretty poor condition. But what I hate the most is that they aren’t air conditioned. It’s so hot here. They really need air-conditioned […]

Listen 6 – City Transportation

Music Hosting – Download Audio – Track 14 TASK 1: People are talking about taxis. Listen and check their opinions about taxi services. Good Not good Ok 1. 2. 3. 4. TASK 2. Listen again. Circle the correct answer. 1. The thing she hates the most is that the _ a. taxis aren’t air-conditioned b. drivers drive […]