Transcripts & Answer keys

Upload Music – Upload Audio Files – Track 02 Transcripts 1. A: So you’re a teacher. Is that right? B: Yep. A: Do you enjoy teaching? B: Yes, I do. The vacations are great, but I’ve got a really difficult class this year. I try everything but they just don’t want to learn anything. Maybe […]

Listening Test 1 – Scripts & Audio

Listen Music – Upload Audio – test 01 Practice Test (Version One) Instructions : You will hear a number of different recordings and you will have to answer questions on what you hear. There will be time for you to read the instructions and questions , and you will have a chance to check your […]

Listen 24 – Health Problems

Share Music – Audio Hosting – Track 56 TASK1: Four people are talking about health problems. Listen and check (/) the correct information. TASK2: Listen again. What phrase completes each statement? Write the correct letter. Transcripts & Answer keys

Trasncripts & Answer Keys

Share Music – Audio Hosting – Track 56 Trasncripts 1. I woke up this morning with a really bad stomachache. At first I thought it was because I ate a really big dinner last night. I often have a stomachache if I eat too much. Anyway, 1 took some medicine, but I don’t think it’s […]

Transcripts & Answer keys

Upload Music – Free Audio – Track 53 Transcripts 1. A: What do you take for a bad cold, Ted? B: Oh, I have this great cold remedy. It always works. I chop up a bunch of garlic, put it in hot water, then drink it A: Gross! That sounds awful. B: It /$ awful. […]

Listen 23 – Health Problems

Upload Music – Free Audio – Track 53 TASK1: People are asking friends what they take for a cold. Listen and number the pictures. TASk2: Listen again. Where did each person learn the cold remedy? Circle the correct answer. Transcripts & Answer keys

Trasncripts & Answer Keys

Podcast Hosting – Play Audio – Track 51 Trasncripts 1. A: I feel terrible today. I ate too much last night and my stomach doesn’t feel well at all. B: You should take something for it. 2. A: This pain in my head is terrible. B: Let me get you some aspirin. A: Thanks. That’s […]

Listen 21 – Air Travel

Listen Music – Listen Audio – Track 49 TASK1. People are talking about flights. Listen and check (/) their opinions about each flight. TASK2: Listen again. What phrase completes each statement? Write the correct letter.   Transcripts & Answer keys

Transcripts & Keys

Listen Music – Listen Audio – Track 49 Transcripts 1. The airport is far away from the duty and it’s a pretty horrible place. It’s very crowded and there are not many facilities there. You know, like stores or restaurants. Anyway, my flight was okay. It was a bit bumpy, but it left on time. […]