Audio Transcripts

Podcast Hosting – Play Audio – Test 1-Section 1 SECTION 1 CLERK: Do you want any help with an after-packing clean-up? We   do that for a small additional charge.   WOMAN: Yes, that would be helpful. I promised the landlord I’d give   her the keys back by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, the 14th. […]

Transcripts & Answer keys

Music Hosting – Embed Audio Files – Track 39 Transcripts 1. A: Can I exchange this shirt, please? B: What’s the problem? A: I asked for a size 44, but this is a size 34. B: Let me see if I can find one in the right size. Just a moment. I’m sorry, sir. We […]

Listen 39 – Shopping Problems

Share Music – Audio Hosting – Track 39 TASK1. Customers are describing a problem. Listen and circle the correct answer. 1. a. He needs a bigger size. b. He needs a smaller size. 2. a. The shoes are too small. b. The shoes are damaged. 3. a. The lock is missing. b. The lock isn’t […]

Transcripts & Answer keys

Embed Music Files – Play Audio – Track 37 Trasncripts 1. Hey, they said this camcorder had a case—but look! There’s no case here. 2. Look at this! I asked for a small T-shirt and they gave me an extra large sweatshirt. 3. Hey, look what happened! I ordered these glasses through the mail and […]

Listen 37 – Pastimes and Hobbies

Download Music – Audio Hosting – Track 35 People are talking about their interests. Listen and check (/) two suitable hobbies for each person. Listen again. What is one activity each person likes doing? Circle the correct answer. Transcripts & Aswer keys

Transcripts & Answer keys

Download Music – Audio Hosting – Track 35 Trssncripts 1. A few months ago, I moved to this cute little house out to the country. Before I moved, all I did was sit to coffee shops and read or surf the Internet. Boring! Now I want to spend all my free time outside, enjoying nature. […]

Listen 36 – Pastimes and Hobbies

Podcast Hosting – Listen Audio – Track 32 TASK1. Which activity does each person enjoy doing now? Listen and circle the correct answer. TASK2. Listen again. What does each speaker like best about his or her current hobby or pastime? Write the correct letter. Transcripts & Answer keys

Transcripts & Answer keys

Share Music – Music podcasts – Track 32 Transcripts 1. I used to play the piano a lot when I was younger, but I don’t play much anymore. Now I enjoy playing in a band. We call ourselves The Bandits. We’ve been practicing for a few months in my garage, and pretty soon we’re going […]