Transcripts & Answer keys

Listen to people telephoning the places below. Did they dial the right number or not? Tick the correct box, right or wrong. 1 Let me see. The number for the restaurant is 0439 7889. 2 Now, the number for the Central Library is 35946. 3 The number for the Inland Revenue is 40811. 4 I’ll […]

Listen 5 – Telephone numbers

Listen to people asking Directory Enquiries for telephone numbers for the places below. Write down the correct numbers. John Radcliffe Hospital:  Oxford 64711 Odeon Cinema ……………………………….. Shangri-la Restaurant……………………………….. London University ……………………………….. County Hall ……………………………….. British Airways……………………………….. Transcripts & Answer keys

Transcripts & Answer keys

Listen to people asking Directory Enquiries for telephone numbers for the places below. Write down the correct numbers. 1 A Directory enquiries, which town please? B Oxford. A What name? B I’d like the number of the John Radcliffe hospital, please. A John Radcliffe hospital. (pause) The number’s Oxford 64711 B Thank you. 2 A […]

Transcripts & Answer keys

Transcripts & Answer keys You will hear nine telephone numbers. Tick the numbers you hear. 1      313597 2      743678 3      01 808 7688 4      0519 23092 5      0457 64332 6      041 904 5308 7      068 91 789 8      339279 9      0425 5781

Listen 4 – Numbers

You will hear nine telephone numbers. Tick the numbers you hear. 1 313557 4 4 0509 23092 7 7 058 90 789 313597 0519 23092 068 91 789 2 743678 5 5 0457 64332 8 8 335278 743670 0457 64323 335279 3 01 800 7689 6 6 041 914 5389 9 339279 01 808 7680 […]

Transcripts & Answer keys

Transcripts & Answer keys Listen to the prizes in a lottery. What were the winning numbers? Circle the correct number for each prize. And here are the prizes in the lottery. Has everybody got their tickets? Good, Well, the seventh prize is ticket ” number one hundred and fifteen, A hundred and fifteen. The sixth […]

Listen 3 – Numbers

Listen to the prizes in a lottery. What were the winning number? Circle the correct number for each prize. Seventh prize 151 150 115 Sixth prize 1707 1770 1777 Fifth prize 91 19 90 Fourth prize 390 309 319 Third prize 55 53 59 Second prize 1990 1999 1099 First prize 14 40 44  Transcripts […]

Listen 2 – Numbers

Listen to the tape. You will hear seven numbers. Circle the numbers you hear. 12  20                                22 109 119 190 33 13 30 1001 1010 1100 70 7 17 150 115 151 1509 1559 1590 Transcripts & Answer keys

Listen 1 – First day

Listen and check (/) the correct name. 1. Jessica Noh Jessica Knowe 2. Kevin Dang Kevin Tang 3. Lane Morgan Morgan Lane 4. Carol Drexter Carl Dexter Transcripts and Answer keys