Listen 57 – Describing things

Embed Music – Share Audio – 27 20. 3. exercise TASK 1. People are describing these items. Listen and number the pictures. TASK 2. Listen again. Why does each person like the item? Circle the correct information. 1. a. She wears it every day. b. The sun hurts her eyes, c. It’s good for windy […]

Transcripts & Answer keys

Upload Music Files – Embed Audio Files – 25 20. 2 Transcripts 1. A: Hello. City Taxi. B: Yes, I left a briefcase in a taxi coming back from the airport. A: Can you describe it? B: Yes, it’s black leather, with the initials PWD on it. A: Hello. City Taxi. B: Hello, has anyone […]

Listen 56 – Describing things

Upload Music Files – Embed Audio Files – 25 20. 2 These people are describing things they left in the taxi. Listen and check (/) the correct pictures.   Transcripts & Answer keys

Listen 55 – Using the phone

Embed Music – Embed Audio Files – 23 19. 4. exercise TASK 1. Listen to each conversation. What is each call about? Circle the correct answer. 1. a. an apology for missing a movie b. an invitation to a movie c. a cancellation of a movie 2. a. a suggestion about a stereo b. a […]

Transcripts & Answer keys

Embed Music – Embed Audio Files – 23 19. 4. exercise Transcripts 1. A: Hello. B: Hi, Jenny. This is David. How are things? A: Pretty good, thanks. B: Listen. I was wondering if you’re doing anything on Sunday. A: No, I don’t think so. B: Great. Would you like to see a movie with […]

Listen 54 – Using the phone

Upload Music – Download Audio – 20 19. 3. exercise TASK 1. Read these telephone message. The listen and correct the mistakes in each message. Message Anne———– Harry Brown called Her number is 914-6522 Please call her back tomorrow Message John ——- Helen called. Her number is 614 – 5553 Meet her at 12 o’clock […]

Transcripts & Answer keys

Upload Music – Download Audio – 20 19. 3. exercise Transcripts 1. A: Hello. B: Hello, can I speak to Anne, please? A: Sorry. She’s not in right now. Would you like to leave a message? B: Yes, please. My name’s Mary Brown. A: Mary Brown? B: Yes, and my number is 914-6520. A: Did […]

Listen 53 – Using the telephone

Listen Music – Upload Audio Files – 18 19. 2 Which statement about each telephone call is true? Listen and circle the correct answer. 1.     a. Joe is busy. b. It’s a wrong number. 2.   a. Sandy is not free. b. Sandy is not in. 3.      a. it’s a wrong number. b. Brian is […]

Transcripts & Answer keys

Listen Music – Upload Audio Files – 18 19. 2 Transcripts 1. A: Hello. B: Hello, Joe? A: No. B: Is this 793-51417 ? A: No, it isn’t I think you have the wrong number. B: Oh, sony. 2. A: Hello. B: Hello. Can I speak to Sandy, please? A: She’s busy right now. Can […]

Listen 52 – Shopping

Play Music – Upload Audio – 16 18. 4. exercise TASK 1. These people are asking about items in a store. Listen and check (/) the item they talk about. TASK 2. Listen again. Circle the correct answer. 1. a. You can machine-wash the shirt. b. It’s best to dry clean it. c. You can […]