Listen 42 – Apartments

Upload Music – Upload Audio Files – 48 Track 48 TASK 1. These people are describing rooms in their apartments. Listen and check (/) the correct picture. TASK 2. Listen again. Are these statements true or false? Check (/) the correct answer. True False 1.  She doesn’t plan to buy anything else for the apartment. 2.  […]

Transcripts & Answer keys

Free Music – Upload Audio Files – 46 Track 46 Transcripts 1. A: What’s your apartment like, Ken? B: It’s comfortable, but it’s pretty small. It’s only got one room. A: Really? Don’t you have a bedroom? B: No, I sleep in the living room. A: What about your dog? B: She sleeps in the […]

Listen 40 – Vacations

Play Music – Embed Audio – 44 Track 44 People are talking about their vacations. Listen and number the pictures. Listen again. Are these statements true or false? Check (/) the correct answer. True False She learned to water-ski very slowly. It was cold at night. The museums were interesting. The weather wasn’t good. He […]

Transcripts & Answer keys

Play Music – Embed Audio – 44 Track 44 Transcipts 1. A: Is this you? B: Yes, it is. A: Wow! It looks really fun, but hard. How do you stay on them? B: In the beginning, you don’t. You fall off all the time. But you learn pretty quickly. I had a wonderful time. […]

Episode 145: Report Writing

Khalid: How was your day Tim? Tim: Awful! I can see I’ve got a right handful with Jack, the chef. Khalid: What’s the problem? Tim: Well, he turned up late again and he really seemed annoyed when I took him to task about it. Khalid: So you’re having a trouble asserting your authority as a […]

Episode 144: A call from China

Helen’s mum: So how are you my dear? Helen: Pretty good mum. Mum: That’s nice to hear. I know it’s been difficult getting over that boy Michal. But I’ve noticed that you seem a bit more cheerful these days. You’re working harder at uni. And you’ve got that nice boy John to help you too. […]

Episode 143: Marriage vows

Paul: So, how are you? Alice: Not great. I’ve been thinking about us a lot. And you know what? Paul: What? Alice: I think Lucy’s right. If there’s any way you two can save your marriage, you’ve got to give it a go. Paul: I know that’s the right thing to do but a part […]

Episode 142: Booking a court

Manager: Hello Sports World. How can I help you? Helen: Do you have any courts free for Monday evening at 7.30 please? Manager: Oh yes, we have plenty available then. Helen: Good. And can we hire racquets and balls at the court? Manager: Oh yes, we can provide you with all that. Now, how many […]

Episode 141: Late again

Jack: Hiya Sally. Hello Tim. Sally: Right, I’m off. I have to run or I’ll be late for college. Bye! Tim: Bye Sally! So Jack, what time do you call this? This is your third late appearance this week. Jack: I’m only 10 minutes late. Tim: 10 minutes makes a lot of difference to Sally. […]