Episode 116: Khalid’s DIY

Tim: What’s all that banging about? Khalid: Oh I didn’t realise you were in. I thought I had the flat to myself. Do you like the new shelves? Tim: You can’t just decide to start hammering things into walls. You need to get permission first. Have you checked with the landlord? Khalid: Of course I […]

Episode 115: A turnaround

John: Well, an invite to the flat. I never thought you’d ask. I’ll put the kettle on for you, me and Alice. Helen: Oh perfect. Just what I need. Now I know you’re desperate to tell me about the professor. John: Only if you’re sure. Helen: Come on. John: Well, basically she said if I […]

Episode 114: Alice chats to the cat

Alice: Oh Co-Co. I can’t believe there really was something wrong with you all along. Your poor paw! Now how did that happen? Mm, were you fighting with that naughty tomcat in the park or did you step on some broken glass like the vet said? It must have been so sore yet I didn’t […]

Episode 113: Study time

John: Hi Helen! I haven’t seen you in the library for ages. What are you doing here? Helen: I’ve got a ton of work from Professor Lewis and I need to make a start on it. I’m surprised to see you working here so late. John: Oh I’m a changed man! Not that you’d have […]

Episode 112: A proposition

Janet: Sorry? Tim : I said ‘I’ve always seen myself as a bit of a self-made man’. Janet: So a guy who’s not afraid of hard work. Tim: Exactly! It’s just that there hasn’t been much hard work around lately. Janet: Well, what if I told you you’re wrong? Tim: I’d love to be wrong […]

Episode 111: Time for coffee

Tim: Thanks for inviting me out for coffee. It’s good to get out of the flat for a bit. Janet: I hope you’re keeping yourself busy. Tim: Well, I’m trying to but sometimes it’s a bit difficult to get motivated. Janet: I know it is Tim but it’s important to keep your spirits up. And […]

Listen 36 – Small talks

Upload Music – Audio File Hosting – 34 Track 34  TASK 1. Some guests are talking at a party. What are they talking about? Listen and circle the correct answer. 1. a. the guests b. the music c. friends 2. a. a guest b. the music c. Jim 3. a. the music b. a guest […]

Transcripts & Answer keys

Upload Music – Audio File Hosting – 34 Track 34 Transcripts 1. A: Hey, how’s it going? Are you enjoying the party? B: Yes, I am. The people here are really nice A: Really. Everyone is so friendly. 2. A: Hi, Jim. How’s everything? B: Everything’s fine, thanks. A: Hey, hear that? That’s Whitney Hudson. […]

Episode 110: Home again

Helen: And then, she really did make it up to the top! Khalid: Congratulations Alice! You are brave! Alice: Thank you! Helen: So, how were things back here. Did you boys manage to look after yourselves alright? Khalid: We had a great time and Tim’s got some good news. Helen: Oh what? Tim: My guardian […]

Episode 109: A visit to the vet

Vet: And is Kitty an indoor or an outdoor cat? Khalid: Both really. She stays in at night but she’s out most off the day, playing with other cats. Vet: Right, walk along here Kitty. Now, mm, you see? She’s limping. Let’s have another look at that front paw. Ah yes, see here – there’s […]