Episode 77: Writing an advert

Alice: Right, how does this sound? Wanted: student or young professional… Tim: … male student or young professional. Alice: Ok. From the top. Wanted: male student or young professional for bright, sunny room in flatshare. Tim: … in mixed flatshare … Alice: … for bright, sunny room in mixed flatshare. Must be clean, tidy and easy-going. Close […]

Episode 76: A new flatmate?

Helen: Ok everyone, I’ve got an announcement. We need to get someone for Michal’s room as soon as possible. Alice/Tim: Really? Helen: Yeah well, he e-mailed me the other day and he seems to be staying in Poland, at least for the time being. And my dad’s starting to get twitchy about the rent. He […]

Episode 75: Paul’s explanation

Alice: Hello? Paul: Alice, it’s Paul. Don’t hang up, Alice. Just give me two minutes of your time, that’s all I ask. Alice: Ok Paul, but we haven’t got much to talk about. You’re married with two kids, end of story. Paul: Alice, it’s over between Lucy and me. It’s been over for a long […]

Episode 74: Alone at New Year

Alice: Ah Kitty, there never was anything wrong with you, was there? I told Helen you were ok, but she wouldn’t listen. She had to listen to the vet though. He said you were the healthiest cat he’d ever seen. Anyway Kitty, Happy New Year: it’s just you and me tonight. I didn’t plan it […]

Episode 73: Holiday plans

Helen: So what are we all doing at Christmas? Tim, you’ve got a few days off work, haven’t you? Tim: Indeed I have Helen, and I’m popping over to Poland for a few days. I’m looking forward to a nice cosy Christmas. Fancy joining me? Helen: I’ve already been invited, thank you very much. Michal […]

Episode 72: Christmas shopping

Alice: Hmm, what do you think, you two, how do I look? Helen: Ooh, it’s a gorgeous dress, Alice, but the other one seemed nicer. Alice: Mmm, it is lovely, isn’t it? But you’re right, the blue dress looks better. Tim? Tim: Oh yes, lovely, very nice. Can we go and look at the computer […]

Episode 71: Paul confesses

Alice: Look Paul, we’ve been seeing each other for quite a while, and I think we’ve been getting on well together… Paul: I think so too! Alice: Paul, there’s something I want to ask you, and even though I’m afraid of the answer, I really need to know the truth. Paul, are you seeing anybody […]

Episode 70: Heartbreak for Alice?

Alice’s mum: Alice, you sound dreadful – what’s the matter? Alice: Oh nothing Mum. Alice’s mum: Doesn’t sound like nothing to me Alice. Alice: Mum, you can’t do anything to help. Alice’s mum: Maybe not Alice, but you might feel better if you talk about it. Alice: Ok, well, I had a date with Paul […]

Episode 69: The art gallery

Alice: This is a lovely painting. Paul: Isn’t it? Let’s find out about it. Excuse me! Guide: Ooh, hello there, can I help you? Alice: Could you tell us a little about this one please? Guide: Ooh, by all means. this beautiful picture is several hundred years old. In this period, paintings would often be […]

Episode 68: Is the cat ill?

Helen: Hey guys, do you think the cat’s okay? Alice: The cat? Seems fine to me. Why? Helen: I think we should take her to the vet. She doesn’t seem right. Alice: She’s fine. Helen: No, she’s not! You guys never listen to me. Tim, can you take her to the vet? Tim: I’m sorry […]