Episode 57: Dr Laver takes the plunge

Dr. Laver: I had a lovely time at the barbecue, although I drank too much wine. I had a terrible hangover. Alice: Did you? I just wish I hadn’t had that salmon, especially as I’d already had enough food. I was just being greedy. Dr. Laver: Oh well, not to worry, you’ll be alright soon. […]

Episode 56: At the doctor’s

Dr. Kelly: So, what’s the matter? Alice: Well, I’ve been feeling ill ever since a barbecue a few days ago. My stomach’s still upset, and I feel dizzy. Dr. Kelly: I see. Any other symptoms? Alice: Erm, I’ve got a bit of a temperature. Dr Kelly: Well, it isn’t anything serious, probably just food poisoning… […]

Episode 55: Fatherly advice

Michal: Hello, I’ve been sent to take you. Dad: I can’t get a minute’s peace around here! Michal: No wonders you love it here, your garden’s beautiful. Dad: Thank you Michal. Just my luck though, neither Helen nor her mother has green fingers. Michal: I love gardening! Dad: I knew I liked you for a […]

Episode 54: A mother daughter chat

Michal: Helen, this place is enormous! Helen: It’s just a house, don’t get so overexcited by it. And promise me you won’t treat me differently after this visit. Mum: Hello! Just drop your bags anywhere dears. Michal, will you get daddy in from the garden? Then we’ll all have a nice cup of Chinese tea […]

Episode 53: The morning after

Michal: Morning everyone. What a great barbeque yesterday! Coffee and biscuits Alice? Alice: Oh no, I feel dreadful. I was throwing up all night long! Tim: One too many cocktails? Alice: No! I hardly touched a drop. One minute I was having a ball … Helen: Getting chatted up more like! Alice: Yeah, I saw […]

Episode 51: Summertime blues

Alice: It’s nice to be back but I do miss the excitement of the World Cup. I’m bored! Helen: Oh thanks very much! Alice: I didn’t mean you! I just mean it’s a bit hard to come back to reality that’s all. Tim: Who says we have to? Why don’t we do something to cheer […]

Episode 50: Landing in London

crew 1: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to London. Please wait until the aircraft has come to a complete standstill before unfastening your seatbelts. We would like to remind you that mobile phones must remain completely switched off until the seatbelt sign has been turned off. Please remember that you can only smoke in designated areas […]

Episode 49: The quarter-finals

Episode 49: The quarter-finals Tim: England are out! We lost on penalties again! Alice: I’m gutted! I blame Rooney. Tim: He didn’t do nuffink! Alice: How can you say that? We all saw what he did. The ref had to send him off. Tim: I still say we was robbed. The ref was far too free […]

Episode 48: Strawberries and cream

John: Oh Helen! Fancy bumping into you at Wimbledon! Helen: And I was having such a nice time too. John: Bet you’re here on one of those cheap afternoon tickets, aren’t you? Helen: Yeah but for a fiver they’re such a bargain. John: I wouldn’t know. I’ve been here all day – in the Centre […]

Episode 47: A call from Germany

Helen: Hello? Alice: Guten morgen! Hi Helen, it’s Alice. Helen: Hey, how are you? What’s Germany like? Are you having fun? Alice: I’m fine, it’s fab and yes, yes, yes! How are things back home? Helen: Great. We’ve just come back from Brighton and Michal was a complete star! Alice: Oh how so? Helen: Well […]