Listen 15 – Jobs

TASK 1. Listen to people talking about their work. Check (/) the correct information about each person.                           has the same job            has a new job        isn’t working right now 1. Ted       […]

Transcripts & Answer keys

Transcripts 1. A: Hi, Ted. B: Oh, hi. A: Are you still working in the bank? B: Yeah. 2. A: Where are you working now, Sonia? B: I just started as a chef in an Italian restaurant. Come and try my food. A: Sounds great — I’d love to! • 3. A: Are you still […]

Listen 14 – Jobs

People are talking about work. What job are they talking about? Listen and circle the correct answer. 1. a. salesperson          b. office worker 2. a. waiter                      b. actor 3. a. teacher                    b. […]

Transcripts & Answer keys

Transcrips 1. I’m a salesperson. I sell computers. I like my job. It’s really interesting. And I meet lots of interesting people. 2. . Yes, I like it a lot. I like acting in front of lots of people. One day I hope to write a book about my work. 3. It’s an interesting job, […]

Listen 13 – Dates

TASK 1. Listen to people talking about their birthdays. Have they had their birthdays yet this year?                          Yes            No 1. Ted               □                □ 2. Jill […]

Transcripts & Answer keys

Transcripts 1. A: Isn’t it your birthday this month, Ted? B: Hey! It was a month ago. A: Oh! Sorry! I forgot all about it. So, did you have a big party or something? B: No. I had to study because of the exams at school. 2. A: Have you had your birthday yet, Jill? […]

Transcripts & Answer keys

Transcripts 1. This is Dr. Costello’s office. WeVe calling to change your dental appointment to August 3rd at 9:30 in the morning. Thank you. 2. Hi, Don. It’s Sue. I’m calling about Cindy’s birthday party. It’s on July 28th at 8 p.m. Are you free? I’ll call you later. 3. Hello, Don. This is Aunt […]

Listen 12 – Dates

TASK 1. Don is checking messages on his voicemail. Listen and write the date and time of each event.                                                              Dates           […]

Transcripts & Answer keys

Transcripts A: Have you been here long? B: No, we arrived a few days ago, on the first of the month. A: And how long are you staying? B: We’re staying exactly two weeks. We leave on the 14th. 2. A: When did you get here? B: I arrived on the 4th. A: Will you […]

Listen 11 – Dates

Listen to people talking to visitors. Write the date the visitors arrived and the date they are leaving.                         Arrive                            Will leave 1.             __________   […]