Episode 41: Tickets for lunch

Tim: Yeah and just tidy up that display now. Oh good morning madam. Customer: Hello. It’s nice to see you on this side of the counter for a change. Tim: Yes, I’ve been promoted. I’m an Assistant Manager now! Customer: Oh does your ambition know no bounds? Congratulations! Tim: Thank you. Now how can I […]

Episode 40: Right or wrong?

Michal: You did what? Helen: I had to Michal. I had no choice. Michal: Haven’t you got any morals? You know that you’re supposed to stick to your friends. Helen: How could I? He cheated. The professor knew. She had me over a barrel. Michal: How you say in English? ‘A friend in need is […]

Episode 39: A friend of a friend

Helen: Well, you see, I have this friend. And, she has a problem. She saw a friend of hers doing something wrong and now she doesn’t know what to do. If she reports him, he’ll know it was her and probably won’t ever speak to her again. But if she doesn’t report him, he’ll just […]