Transcripts & Answer keys

Free Music – Free Audio – 14 Track 14 Transcripts 1. A: Bobby, would you like to go out for dinner Thursday? B: Thursday? Oh, I’d love to, but I have to meet my sister for dinner. A: Oh, well, some other time, then. B: Sure. 2. Melissa, would you like to see a movie […]

Transcripts & Answer keys

Share Music – Upload Audio – 11 Track 11 Transcripts 1. A: Hello. B: Hi, Penny. This is Bob. A: Hi, Bob. How are things? B: Fine. Say, would you like to go to a movie on Friday night? A: A movie? Sure. I think Fm free Friday night. What movie do you want to […]

Listen 27 – Entertainment

Share Music – Upload Audio – 11 Track 11 TASK 1. These people are calling friends about the weekend. Are these statements true or false? Listen and check (/) the correct answer True False Penny agrees to go to a movie with Bob. Anne can’t come to the party. Ken invites Nancy to a movie. […]

Transcripts & Answer keys

Transcripts 1. A: So do you think we should go and see it? B: Yes, I think so. I hear it’s very good. My friend said the story is great. And I love Arnold Schwarzenegger. A: So do I. His movies are always full of action. 2. A: What’s the weather going to be like […]

Always On My Mind – Orange Blue

Play Music – Embed Audio Files – Orange Blue – Always On My…   Never will I understand All the reasons I  Haven’t found to face the end Till the day I died I was you too long Felt my strength was gone Now I know That life isn’t cruel Just mistakes are unmerciful I […]

Listen 25 – Family

Listen Music Files – Embed Audio Files – 07 Track 7 TASK 1. People are talking about themselves and other family members. Which family member is the speaker most similar to? Listen and check (/) the correct answer. Father Mother Sister Brother Wen-ping Michael Justin Susan Robert Beth TASK 2. Listen again. How is each […]

Transcripts & Answer keys

Listen Music Files – Embed Audio Files – 07 Track 7 Transcripts 1. Both of my parents are taller than me. My dad is pretty tall, but my brother is even taller than my dad. Together they look like a basketball team! My sister and I are the short ones in the family. 2. My […]

Listen 24 – Family

Upload Music Files – Download Audio – 04 Track 4 TASK 1. People are talking about their families. How many brothers and sisters do they have? Listen and write the numbers. Older brothers Younger brothers Older sisters Younger sisters Stephanie Donna Bob Rosie  Tina TASK 2. Listen again. Circle the correct answer. 1. Stephanie would […]

Transcripts & Answer keys

Upload Music Files – Download Audio – 04 Track 4 Transcripts 1. A: Do you have any brothers and sisters, Stephanie? B: No brothers. I wish I did. But I’ve got three sisters. A: Really! B: Yeah. And I’m the youngest. A: Poor you! 2. A: Tell me about your family, Donna. B: Well, I’ve […]