Episode 67: A call from Poland

Tim: Hey Helen, guess who just called? Helen: Oh no, was it Michal? Tim: Yes, you just missed him! Helen: Oh, no! Tim: He said to send you his love. Why don’t you call him back? Helen: No. He said he needed some space, so I’ve got to give him some space. But I wish […]

Episode 66: Choosing a gift

Janet: And how’s my favourite shop assistant today? Tim: Oh! Good morning, Janet! It’s assistant manager actually. Janet: So sorry, darling, assistant manager. Now, I do hope you can help me. I’m looking for a very special gift for a very special person. Tim: I’m sure we can help you there madam. Is it for […]

Episode 65: A tricky meeting

Boss: Come in. Ah, Tim, how can I help? Tim: Erm, well, I think you should read this letter from the watch repairers. Boss: Oh yes, let me see it. hmm, well, I imagine someone in their office must have made a mistake. Tim: Perhaps, but this isn’t the first time this has happened. Boss: […]

Episode 64: A strange letter

Alice: Hi Tim. What are you reading, or is it private? Tim: Oh, nothing. Alice: Sure it’s not a love letter? Tim: I’m sure! In fact, it’s a bit strange. Remember I had to return that customer’s watch? Alice: Mmmm? Tim: Well, listen to their reply. ‘As the watch you have returned is not genuine, […]

Episode 63: A sad goodbye

Tim: Well cousin Michal, this is goodbye. Alice: You’ve been a great friend to us all and a great flatmate too. Michal: Thanks you guys. Tim: Bye Michal and give my love to Uncle Kazimierz. Michal: Yeah, I will. Tim: Alice, I think we should leave these two alone. Helen: Oh Michal, it seems like […]

Episode 62: A dream date

Alice: This is a lovely restaurant Paul. Paul: Yes, it’s one of my favourites. Would you like dessert? Alice: Well… the chocolate cake looks very tempting. Paul: Then you must try some. And we must do this again. I’ve really enjoyed your company today. Alice, would you be able to join me for dinner next […]

Episode 61: A difficult conversation

Helen: Hi Michal, what are you doing on the computer? Let’s see. One ticket to Poland! Michal, what’s going on? Michal: Helen, we have to talk about everything! We need to talk about love, commitment, family and about dads. Helen: Dad? What did he say to you in the garden? You’ve been acting all funny […]

Episode 60: Bad news

Michal: What if it’s her? Tim: You’ve got to talk to her. Michal: Hello? Dad: Michal? It’s dad. Michal: Oh dzien dobry tatus. Dad: No, no, no you’re in England, let’s talk English. It’s good for both of us to practise. Michal: OK. So, how are you? Dad: Not great. Michal: What’s wrong? Dad: Oh, […]

Episode 59: Tim’s love advice

Michal: Tim, can I talk to you? Tim: Sure, what’s on your mind? Michal: It’s about Helen and her family. Tim: Yeah, how was that visit you had to her folks’ place? Michal: It was difficult. Tim: Why? Michal: Well, I thought Helen and I were just having some fun, you know, nothing too serious. […]

Episode 58: A complaint

Tim: How can I help you sir? Customer: It’s about this watch. Tim: What seems to be the problem? Customer: The alarm doesn’t work and the strap leaves a green mark on my wrist when I take it off. Tim: Have you worn the watch in the shower perhaps sir? Customer: No and I only […]