Episode 46: A day at the beach

Michal: I’m so glad we decided to come to Brighton! Helen: Yeah, so much better than going to the poxy World Cup in Germany. Michal: Let’s sit here on the beach. What a perfect spot for an ice-cream! Helen: Oh, look at that guy over there. He looks nice …tall and handsome. Michal: Ahem, I […]

Episode 45: Packing

Tim: Hurry up Alice! Alice: I’m going as fast as I can. Tim: The plane’s going to take off without us at this rate. You’ve not even finished packing yet! Alice: Don’t hassle me! I couldn’t just walk out in the middle of an emergency. I’m a nurse. These things happen. I got here as […]

Episode 44: A free lunch

Episode 44: A free lunch Tim: That food was delicious! Mrs Hall: It took ages to come but yes, absolutely scrummy. Ready for afters? Tim: Thank you. Mrs Hall: Go on, open it. Tim: World Cup tickets! How can I ever thank you Mrs Hall? Mrs Hall: Well you can start by dropping the formality. Please, […]

Listen 31 – Prices

Music File Hosting – Play Audio – 23 Track 23 TASK 1. Listen to people talking about prices in the U.S. and prices in their own country. Check (/) the correct answer. Cheaper in their country Cheaper in the US cars rents clothes air travel tuition hospitals TASK 2. Listen again. Are these statements true […]

Transcripts & Answer keys

Music File Hosting – Play Audio – 23 Track 23 Transcripts 1. I could never buy a car at home because we pay a very high tax on cars. Only rich people can really afford to buy a car at home. Here in the U.S., I drive a nice new car and I can easily […]

Listen 30 – Prices

Upload Music – Audio File Hosting – 20 Track 20 TASK 1. Listen to cashiers in a store. Write the total amount each person needs to pay and the amount of change each person receives. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total___ Change_ Total___ Change_ Total___ Change__ Total___ Change__ Total___ Change_ Total___ Change__ TASK 2. […]

Transcripts & Answer keys

Upload Music – Audio File Hosting – 20 Track 20 Transcripts Let’s see. Soup. That’s two for a dollar. And a bottle of shampoo — $6.50. So that comes to $7.50 and your change is $12.50. 2. Okay, now — let me see what you’ve got. The CD is $14.95, and the cassette — oh, […]

Listen 29 – Prices

Download Music – Upload Audio – 17 Track 17 TASK 1. Listen to these people asking about prices. Write the price of each item. TASK 2. Listen again. Did the person buy the item? Check (/) the correct answer. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No […]

Transcripts & Answer keys

Download Music – Upload Audio – 17 Track 17 Transcripts 1. A: Can I help you? B: Yes, how much are these shoes? A: They’re on sale. Let’s see… They’re $45. B: Uh-huh. A: Do you want to try them on? B: No, thanks. 2. A: How much is this computer? B: It’s on sale […]

Listen 28 – Entertaiment

Free Music – Free Audio – 14 Track 14 TASK 1. Listen to these invitations. Does the person accept or refuse? Check (/) the correct answer. Accept Refuse 1. Bobby 2. Melissa 3. Jack 4. Betty 5. Ralph 6. Jill TASK 2. Listen again. What is each invitation for? Circle the correct answer. 1. a. […]