Liten 23 – Family

Listen Music Files – Share Audio – 02 Track 2 People are talking about their families. Listen and number the pictures. Transcripts & Answer keys

Transcripts & Answer keys

Listen Music Files – Share Audio – 02 Track 2 Transcripts 1. A: That’s me in the middle. That’s my oldest niece, Betsy, on the left. She’s in her second year of college. And that’s my nephew, on the right. He’s just finished high school. B: Oh, he’s handsome. 2. A: That’s me on the […]

Listen 22 – Locations

Upload Music Files – Embed Audio – 56 Track 56 TASK 1. Tony is helping Cindy dean up the house. Where should he put the items? Listen and circle the correct answer. 1. the magazines a. on the bookshelf on top of the dictionary b. by on the bookshelf next to the dictionary c. in […]

Transcripts & Answer keys

Upload Music Files – Embed Audio – 56 Track 56 Transcripts 1. A: Do these magazines go on the bookshelf? B: Yes. Put them on the bookshelf, please. On the top is fine. A: Should I put them beside the dictionary? B: Yes, next to the dictionary will be fine. A: Fd like to read […]

Transcripts & Answer keys

Music File Hosting – Free Audio – 53 Track 53 Transcripts 1. A: Do you think 1 should put the magazine rack next to the window? B: No. Not next to the window. I’d put it in the corner next to the sofa. It will look nice there. 2. A: Where do you think I […]

Listen 21 – Location

Music File Hosting – Free Audio – 53 Track 53 TASK 1. Pat is helping Tom decorate his new apartment. Listen and write the number in the location she suggests. 1.      the magazine rack 2.      the coffee table 3.     the plant stand 4.     the bookshelf 5.     the chair 6.     the end table 7.     the TV […]

Transcripts & Answer keys

Embed Music Files – Download Audio – 49 Track 49 Transcripts 1. I think exercise is so important to good health. There is a really good sports club near my school. During the week, I play tennis there for an hour before school starts. On weekends, I usually work out at the gym near my […]

Listen 20 – Location

Listen Music Files – Upload Audio – 51 Track 51 Some people are asking where items are. Listen and check (/) check the correct picture. Transcripts & Answer keys

Transcripts & Answers

Listen Music Files – Upload Audio – 51 Track 51 Transcripts 1. A: Mom, have you seen my magazine? B: I think it’s in the living room on top of the TV.                         ‘ 2. A: Now where’s today’s newspaper? I can’t find it anywhere. B: Oh, I was reading it. It’s on the sofa, between […]

Listen 19 – Sports and Exercise

Embed Music – Audio Hosting – 49 Track 49 TASK 1. Listen to people talking about how they spend their free time. Check (/) the correct information about each person.                             Exercises a lot           Exercise a little […]