Episode 87: Hot water

Boss: Look Tim, it looks like we’re in a bit of hot water here. Tim: We? You mean you’re in hot water. I haven’t done anything. This is your problem: you’ve made your bed, and now you have to lie in it. Boss: Now that’s not quite true, is it Tim? You’re in charge of […]

Episode 86: Another date

Paul: I’m pleased everything’s out in the open now Alice. I didn’t like hiding things from you. Alice: You should have told me right from the word go, Paul. It was the way I found out that made me so upset. Paul: I know Alice, and I’m sorry. But things are going to be very […]

Episode 85: Talking to the police

Police 1: So sir: a number of fake watches have been handed in to us over the last few months, and almost all of them have been traced to this establishment. Can you explain this? Tim: Err, I’m not sure. We do use a reputable supplier. Police 1: Indeed. Your supplier wrote to you to […]

Episode 84: A visit from the police

Police 1: You see sir, we’ve received a complaint from a Mr Hall about a gentleman’s watch that you sold to his wife just before Christmas. It would appear that the authenticity of the watch is in doubt. Tim: Oh – Oh, I see… Police 1: Would you mind answering a few questions for us? […]

Episode 83: The rent

Helen: Dad, Khalid likes the room, and he wants to move in, but he wants to know if you can knock a bit off the rent. Helen’s dad: Helen, you know I can’t allow it. Everybody has to pay the same. Helen: I know dad, but we put the advert in the Gazette for 2 […]

Episode 82: A tour of the flat

Helen: So that’s Tim’s room, the bathroom’s over there, and your bedroom is here. It’s got a desk and chair and all that, so you shouldn’t need any more furniture. Khalid: Ok, that looks ok. erm, what do you guys do about housework? Alice: Everybody kind of chips in, don’t they Tim? Tim: Yes, Alice, […]

Episode 81: Hello stranger!

Khalid: Hello, stranger! Helen: Ooh, hi Khalid! How are you? It’s been ages, hasn’t it? Khalid: I know! I haven’t seen you since the barbecue. Helen: Oh yeah, the barbecue. It was a smashing day wasn’t it? But poor Alice was really ill the next day. Khalid: Was she? Helen: She had to go to […]

Episode 80: Skating on thin ice

Alice: Are you enjoying yourself, Helen? Helen: Do you know what? I’m having a really good time. Thanks for dragging me out, guys. Tim: It’s just nice to see you smiling, Helen. Helen: Hey, is that Paul over there? Tim: Hey yeah, it is him, isn’t it? Helen: It is, you know, but who’s that […]

Episode 79: Stop moping!

Helen: Hey guys. Alice: Hey Helen! Tim: Hey Helen, good day? Helen: Not really… Tim: Look Helen, I’m going to call a spade a spade. Michal isn’t coming back and you’ve got to stop moping around. You can’t spend all day sitting by yourself watching telly. It’s a new year, and it’s time to pull […]

Episode 78: Not much luck

Helen: …no, no, that’s ok, thanks for calling… I hope you’ll find somewhere soon – bye! Tim: Was that another call about the room? Helen: Yeah, but he works right over the other end of town. He said the commute would be too much. Alice: Mmm, the last one said that too, didn’t he? Helen: […]