Transcripts & Answer keys

Listen Music – Embed Audio – 32 Track 32 Transcripts  1. Oh, hello, Bob. I haven’t seen you in ages. How is everything with you these days? 2. It’s been great seeing you again. Gee, look at the time. I’ve got to run. Talk to you later. 3. . How are you, anyway? It’s so […]

Listen 34 – Restaurant

Play Music – Upload Audio – 30 Track 30 TASK 1. People are talking about meals they had at a restaurant. Did they like their meals? Listen and check (/) the correct answer. Liked Didn’t like 1. the appetizer the main dish the vegetables the dessert 2. the appetizer the main dish the vegetables the dessert […]

Transcripts & Answer keys

Play Music – Upload Audio – 30 Track 30 Transcripts 1. I went to a new steak restaurant last night that opened near my\house. I love trying new places. To start the meal, I had an interesting appetizer. It was some kind of seafood with a spicy sauce on it… Mmm! The main dish, of […]

Transripts & Answer keys

Music File Hosting – Upload Audio – 27 Track 27 Transcripts 1. A: There you are, sir. Two slices of pizza and a large cola. B: Thank you. Hmm. C: How does it look? B: Okay, I guess, but I think I should have ordered three or four slices. These slices are much smaller than […]

Listen 33 – Restaurant

Music File Hosting – Upload Audio – 27 Track 27 TASK 1. People are having dinner. What does the waitress bring them? Listen and check (/) the correct picture. TASK 2. Listen again. Was each customer pleased or not pleased with the order? Check (/) the correct answer. Pleased Not pleased pizza steak chicken vegetable […]

Transcripts & Answer keys

Music File Hosting – Download Audio – 25 Track 25 Transcripts A: Are you ready to order? B: Yes, Fd like to start with the salad, please. A: Okay. And what would you like for your main dish? B: Hmm. I’ll have the spaghetti. Is it good? A: I’ve never tried it. Anything to drink? […]

Listen 32 – Restaurant

Music File Hosting – Download Audio – 25 Track 25 People are ordering food at the restaurant. Listen and check (/) each person’s order. Transcripts & Answer keys

Episode 100: More tears

Helen: Alice! Please don’t cry. Alice: I can’t help it. I’ve just done the exact same thing as you. Helen: What! You had a bust-up with Tim? Alice: No, not with Tim, with Paul. Helen: But why? Alice: Oh I had to babysit Ellie and she just gave me the runaround. But then when Paul […]

Episode 99: Girl Talk

Alice: It’s only me. Can I come in? Helen: Yes but don’t look at me. I’m a mess. Alice: Helen, you’ve been crying. What’s wrong? Helen: I’ve just had some really bad news from Michal. He’s fallen in love with someone else and doesn’t want me to contact him ever again. Alice: Oh, you poor […]

Episode 98: Temper tantrums

Paul: Hi! I’m back! Alice: You must be exhausted. Have you been working all night? Paul: Yes but at least we dealt with most of the casualties. How was your evening? Alice: Oh so-so. Paul: Was Ellie OK? Alice: She was quite problematic, actually. You should have warned me. Paul: What about? What did you […]