listen 38 – Vacations

Upload Music Files – Audio Hosting – 39 Track 39 These people didn’t have a good vacation. What the correct answer. 1. a. went away b. stayed home 2. a. went to Hawaii b. went to Okinawa 3. a. went away b. stayed home 4. a. invited relatives to stay b. visited relatives 5. a. went […]

Transcripts & Answer keys

Listen Music Files – Listen Audio Files – 37 Track 37 Transcripts 1. A: Hey, I was just talking to Cindy. Did you know she’s had a really good job in a computer company for a long time? B: Really? A: Yeah, but she’s decided to change jobs. She wants to become an elementary school […]

Listen 37 – Small talks

Listen Music Files – Listen Audio Files – 37 Track 37 TASK 1. Two people are talking. Does the second speaker know the information or is it new information? Listen and check (/) the correct answer. Known information New information 1 2 3 4 5 TASK 2. Listen again. Circle the correct answer. 1. a. […]

Episode 133: Fighting the fear

Dentist: No wonder you were frightened! Khalid: Exactly! It was terrible. Dentist: And every visit to the dentist has been awful since then, right? Khalid: Precise! Dentist: Well, I don’t know how long it’s been since you visited a dentist but, you know, technology has moved on a lot in the last few years and […]

Episode 132: Childhood traumas

Dentist: Now the receptionist told me you’re a bit frightened of dentists. Is that right? Khalid: Yes I’m terrified actually. Dentist: Well I hope I can change your mind about me! So first of all, let me ask you a few questions about your dental history. Khalid: OK, if you think it will help. Dentist: […]

Episode 131: Confusing coffees

Tim: Er… right, OK. I think I’ve got that straight. Customer: Eh, good. Well, that didn’t take long. Now where is Henry? Tim: Oh, he’s on easy street now; he’s retired. I’m the new Henry. I’m Tim. I’ve taken over from him. Nice to meet you. Customer: You too. I’m sure you’ll work out fine. […]

Episode 130: A note in the kitchen

Helen: Hiya! Where is everyone? Mm Bronka do you know where they’ve all gone? I know it’s Tim’s first day at the cafe but Alice should be back from her night shift and Khalid doesn’t go to college till later. Oh there’s a note. ‘Hi Helen. Am holding Khalid’s hand at the dentist. He’s as […]

Episode 129: A box of chocs

Alice: Morning! Oh at last, I’m back home after a killer night shift. Khalid: Want me to put the kettle on? Alice: Oh thanks. You’re a star! And here’s a reward for making the tea! Khalid: What’s that? Alice: A box of yummy chocs. Khalid: That’s not like you, healthy nurse Alice, bringing something so […]

Episode 128: First day jitters

Khalid: So it’s your first day at the cafe today. What are you feeling? Tim: Excited and terrified! Khalid: You’ll be fine. Don’t worry. Tim: That’s easy for you to say. You’re not taking over from Mr Nice Guy. Khalid: Tim you’re a great guy! Those people in the cafe are lucky to have someone […]

Episode 127: An unwanted gift

Assistant: Happy New Year madam. How can I help you? Helen: I’d like to return this jumper please. Assistant: I see. Is there anything wrong with it? Helen: Nothing except the colour, the shape and the size! Assistant: And do you have the receipt? Helen: No, you see it was a Christmas present. Assistant: Well […]