Episode 140: Which sport?

Khalid: What are you up to? Helen: Oh, just looking at what’s on offer at the sports centre. Khalid: How come? Helen: Well I promised myself that I was going to get fit. I want to do a sport. I just don’t know which one. Khalid: Well, have you thought about if you like team […]

Episode 139: The chef’s hat

Chef: And here’s one egg and chips. Tim: Thanks. And can I have a double cheeseburger when you’re ready. Em Jack, are you sure this egg is cooked enough? It looks a little bit runny to me. Jack: What’s that on your head? Tim: Nothing. Jack: Yeah I thought so. There’s no chef’s hat there, […]

Episode 138: Second thoughts

Alice: Paul, you’re so naive sometimes. Paul: I’m more realistic than you think I am Alice. Alice: What? Paul: It’s just that Lucy’s having second thoughts about the divorce. Alice: Well it’s too late now to change her mind. You did tell her that? Paul: Not exactly. Alice: Not exactly? You’re not thinking about getting […]

Episode 137: The elephant in the corner

Paul: But then he said he was suddenly better and he didn’t need to see me! Alice: Incredible! Now we can go on making small talk like this all evening if you like, but I’d rather we tackled that big old elephant in the corner. Paul: What elephant is that then? Alice: Lucy. And before […]

Episode 136: An empty box

Tim: Oh chocolates, brilliant! Just what the new manager needs to get his energy level back up. Oh no! Who’d leave an empty box here just to tease me, eh Kitty? Helen: Hi Tim. How was your first day? Tim: Hard work but pretty good fun actually. You don’t look great. Are you OK? Helen: […]

Episode 135: A mobile mystery

Alice: So how was it? Khalid: I can’t quite believe I’m saying this but it actually wasn’t that bad! Alice: Really? That dentist must have been something special. Oh, sorry Khalid, excuse me. Oh it’s Paul. Hello darling. Haven’t heard from you in ages. What have you been up to? Woman: Who am I speaking […]

Episode 134: Tim’s management style

Tim: Oh, that was a long day Sally. Sorry you had to babysit me the whole time. I just thought it was important to get my feet wet right from the start. Sally: So I saw. Tim: I don’t know what kind of manager Henry was but I … Sally: The best. Tim: Oh I […]

Listen 39 – Vacations

Share Music – Embed Audio – 41 Track 41 TASK 1. People are talking about their vacations. Did they enjoy them? Listen and check (/) the correct answer. 1. Yes/No 2. Yes/No 3. Yes/No 4. Yes/No 5. Yes/No 6. Yes/No 7. Yes/No 8. Yes/No TASK 2. Listen again. What word completes each statement? Write the correct letter. […]

Transcripts & Answer keys

Embed Music Files – Listen Audio – 41 Track 41 Transcripts 1. A: Did you have a nice vacation? B; It was nothing special. The weather was terrible. A: That’s too bad. 2. A: Did you enjoy your trip to Vancouver? B: Yeah, it was fantastic. The people are so nice. 3. A How was […]

Transcripts & Answer keys

Upload Music – Listen Audio Files – 39 Track 39 Transcripts 1. A: Did you have a good vacation? B: Not bad. I decided not to go away. I just stayed home and watched TV. A: You call that a vacation? 2. A: How was your vacation? B: So-so. A: Where did you go? B: […]