Transcripts & Answer keys

Play Music – Upload Audio – 16 18. 4. exercise Transcripts 1. A: Can I try on that shirt, please? B: This one? A: No, not the one with the short sleeves. The other one. B: Here you are. A: Thanks. Can this be machine washed, by the way? B: No, it’s silk, so, you […]

Listen 51 – Shopping

Download Music – Audio File Hosting – 13 18. 3. exercise TASK 1. Customers are talking to salespeople in a store. Do the customers make a purchase? Listen and check {/) the correct answer. 1. Yes/No 2. Yes/No 3. Yes/No 4. Yes/No 5. Yes/No 6. Yes/No 7. Yes/No 8. Yes/No TASK 2. Listen again. What […]

Transcripts & Answer keys

Download Music – Audio File Hosting – 13 18. 3. exercise Transcripts 1. A: Could I help you with anything today, ma’am? B: Well, I really like this blouse. Do you have it in another design? A: Yes, we do. B: Great! I’ll take it, then. 2. A: Do you need any help, sir? B: […]

Transcripts & Answer keys

Share Music – Listen Audio – 11 18. 2 Transcripts 1. A: I think these are too big. Do you have a smaller pair? B: Yes, we do. What size are those? A: These are 9 1/2. B: Let me find a smaller pair. Um — much smaller. 2. A: How much is this? B; […]

Listen 49 – Weather

Share Music – Embed Audio Files – 09 17. 4. exercise TASK 1. These people are talking about the weather. What is it like now? Listen and circle the correct answer. 1. a. It’s warm. b. It’s windy. 2. a. It’s windy. b. It’s getting warmer. 3. a. The sky is dark b. It’s sunny. […]

Transcripts & Answer keys

Share Music – Embed Audio Files – 09 17. 4. exercise Transcripts 1. A: How’s the weather? B: The temperature is going down, and it’s turned very windy. I think it’s going to rain a lot tonight. 2. A: How’s the weather now? B: It’s much warmer now than it was this morning. And the […]

Listen 48 – Weather

Music File Hosting – Embed Audio Files – 06 17. 3. exercise TASK 1. These people are asking about the weather. What will they wear or take with them? Listen and check (/) the correct picture. TASK 2. Listen again. Circle the answer that does not describe the weather now. 1.      a. It’s raining. b. […]

Transcripts & Answer keys

Music File Hosting – Embed Audio Files – 06 17. 3. exercise Transcripts 1. A: Are you going out? B: Yes. Later. What’s the weather like outside? A: Not very nice. Cloudy and windy. I think it’s going to rain later. B: Oh, really? It was sunny this morning. 2. A: Let’s go out for […]

Listen 47 – Weather

Play Music – Audio Hosting – 03 17. 2. exercise TASK 1 Listen to these weather reports and check (/) the weather for each city. City Weather Beijing Mexico City Tokyo New York Taipei cold dry humid sunny cloudy windy warm cloudy windy cool snowy cool windy wet wet cool wet rainy cold hot TASK […]