Listen 67 – Places

Music File Hosting – Embed Audio Files – 51 23. 4. exercise TASK 1. People are comparing two cities. Listen and circle the city each person prefers. 1. a. Washington, D.C. b. New York 2. a. Los Angeles b. San Francisco 3. a. Singapore b. Hong Kong 4. a. Sydney b. Melbourne TASK 2. Listen […]

Listen 66 – Places

Listen Music Files – Share Audio – 48 23. 3. exercise TASK 1.  Listen to people talking about cities. What is each city like? Check (/) the correct answer. 1. great safe cheap 2. crowded quiet polluted 3. noisy clean crowded 4. boring great cheap 5 ugly dangerous safe 6. expensive large small 7. small […]

Transcripts & Answer keys

Listen Music Files – Share Audio – 48 23. 3. exercise Transcripts 1. A: So tell me about Tokyo. What’s it like? B: I love it. There are so many great things to do. I’m busy all the time. 2. A: Do you like living here? B: Well, it’s okay. One thing I do like […]

Listen 65 – Places

Music File Hosting – Share Audio – 46 23. 2 Do the people like the cities they live in? Listen and check (/) the correct answer. Likes it a lot Likes it a little Doesn’t like it 1 2 3 4 5 6 Transcripts & Answer keys

Transcripts & Answer keys

Music File Hosting – Share Audio – 46 23. 2 Transcripts 1. A: How do you like where you’re living? B: Oh, I love it. There’s so much to do here. And I have a lot of friends here, too. 2. A: What’s your city like? B: Well, the good thing is there are a […]

Listen 64 – People we know

Music Hosting – Listen Audio Files – 44 22. 4. exercise TASK 1. Mary is telling Anne about people at her school. What does she like or not like about each person? Listen and (/) the correct answer. TASK 2. Listen again. Does Anne want to know each person? Check (/) the correct answer. Yes/No […]

Transcripts & Answer keys

Music Hosting – Listen Audio Files – 44 22. 4. exercise Transcripts A: Hey Anne, there’s a guy in my Spanish class who’s really cool. He’s really friendly and easy to talk to. He just always seems happy. B: Oh, really? He must have a lot of friends. A: Yes, I think he does. He […]

Listen 63 – People we know

Download Music – Share Audio – 41 22. 3. exercise TASK 1. Are the people in each conversation similar or different? Listen and check (/) the correct answer. 1. Similar Different 3. Similar Different 5. Similar Different 2. Similar Different 4. Similar Different 6. Similar Different TASK 2. Listen again. What do you think is true […]

Transcripts & Answer keys

Download Music – Share Audio – 41 22. 3. exercise Transcripts 1. A: Mr. Grant is really funny, isn’t he? He loves telling jokes. And he’s so easygoing. B: I know. Then there’s Mrs. Grant. She never seems to smile. I wonder why she’s so serious all the time. 2. – A: Where are Bobby […]

Listen 62 – People we know

Embed Music Files – Upload Audio – 39 22. 2 These people are talking about new friends. Listen and circle the best word or phrases to describe each person. 1. a. serious b. funny 2. a. shy b. talkative 2. a. serious b. crazy 3. a. smart b. not talkative 4. a. serious b. sociable […]