Transcripts & Answer keys

Transcripts 1. Good morning. I’m Mr. Safer and you are? Hi, my name’s Jessica. What’s your last name, Jessica? Noh Noh what? Noh! Noh? Yes, Noh. Noh is my name. N-O-H Oh Noh. 2. Who’s next? I am. Calvin Dang Mr. Tang. This is the A to H line. You belong in S to Z […]

Transcripts & Answer keys

Music File Hosting – Download Audio – Track 04 Transcripts 1. A: So how was your weekend? B: Oh, 1 went to see that new science- fiction movie downtown. A: Oh, yeah? How was it? B: Boring. I think I fell asleep in the middle of it! A: What was your weekend like? B: Awful! […]

Listen 2- Weekend

Music File Hosting – Download Audio – Track 04 TASK 1. Did these people enjoy their weekend? Listen and check (/) the correct answer.   Yes No 1     2     3     4     5     6     TASK 2. Listen again. What did each person do on […]

Listen 1 – Weekend

Free Music – Download Audio – Track 02 What did these people do last weekend? Listen and circle the correct answer. 1. He_________ a. went dancing b. watched TV 2. He________ a. met a girl b. went to his brother’s house 3. She________ a. went to the gym b. entered a bodybuilding competition 4. He_________ a. played with his nephews b. went out […]

Transcripts & Answer keys

Free Music – Download Audio – Track 02 Transcripts 1. A: So how was your weekend, Don? B: Well, I wanted to go dancing with my girlfriend but she was too tired to go out. A: So what did you do? B: We just stayed home and watched TV. 2. A: I had a great […]

Listen 70 – Health

TASK 1. Listen to people describing a health problem to a friend. What phrase completes each statement? Circle the correct answer. 1. Lately, she_______. a. easily falls asleep b. can’t fall asleep c. sleeps all night 2. Lately, he doesn’t_________. a. take any vitamin b. feel tired c. have any energy 3. She gets very […]

Transcripts & Answer keys

Transcripts 1. A: I’ve really been having trouble sleeping lately. B: That’s too bad. A: Yeah, I go to bed, but I often can’t fall asleep. Do you ever have that problem? B: Yeah, I sometimes do, too, especially if I’m feeling very worried or stressed out. A: So what do you do for it? […]

Listen 69 – Health

Embed Music Files – Embed Audio Files – 55 24. 3. exercise TASK 1. Listen to people talking about health problems. What is each person’s problem? Write the correct letter. 1. Kick 2. Judy 3. Nancy 4. Tom 5. Renee a. twisted ankle b. a cut c. a stomachache d. a backache e. the flu […]

Listen 68 – Health

Share Music – Download Audio – 53 24. 2 People are talking about health problems. Listen and number the pictures. Transcripts & Answer keys

Transcripts & Answer keys

Share Music – Download Audio – 53 24. 2 Transcripts 1. A: What happened to your foot, Joanne? B. Oh, I hurt it when I was playing soccer. A: Wow. Can you walk on it? B: Yes, but it’s really difficult. 2. A: What happened to you? B: Oh,I didn’t have my glasses on so […]