55. Traffic

Music Hosting – Embed Audio Files – 55. Traffic Traffic moves along on the streets and (1)highways. There are (2)rules that drivers must follow to make the traffic flow (3)smoothly. You must wear a (4)seatbelt. The seatbelt helps to keep you (5)safe. You must stop at all (6)stop signs. You must also stop at a […]

55. Traffic

Music Hosting – Embed Audio Files – 55. Traffic Traffic moves along on the streets and (1)……………. There are (2)……………… that drivers must follow to make the traffic flow (3)………………….. You must wear a (4)…………………. The seatbelt helps to keep you (5)……………. You must stop at all (6)……………………….. You must also stop at a (7)………………… […]

55. Traffic

A. LISTEN FOR OVERVIEW (NGHE HIỂU KHÁI QUÁT) Music Hosting – Embed Audio Files – 55. Traffic Listen carefully to the talk at least twice. How much can you understand? (hãy nghe đoạn độc thoại ít nhất hai lần. Bạn có thể hiểu được bao nhiêu?) B. LISTEN FOR VOCABULARY (NGHE TÌM TỪ VỰNG) Listen […]

54. The Restaurant

A. LISTEN FOR OVERVIEW (NGHE HIỂU KHÁI QUÁT) Download Music – Audio Hosting – 54. The Restaurant Listen carefully to the talk at least twice. How much can you understand? (hãy nghe đoạn độc thoại ít nhất hai lần. Bạn có thể hiểu được bao nhiêu?) B. LISTEN FOR VOCABULARY (NGHE TÌM TỪ VỰNG) Listen […]

54. The Restaurant

Download Music – Audio Hosting – 54. The Restaurant When you go to a restaurant you might see a (1)………………. that says, “Please wait to be (2)…………………..” A host or (3)……………….. will ask you how many people are in your (4)…………………. Then they will want to know if you want to sit in the smoking […]

54. The Restaurant

Download Music – Audio Hosting – 54. The Restaurant When you go to a restaurant you might see a (1)sign that says, “Please wait to be (2)seated.” A host or (3)hostess will ask you how many people are in your (4)party. Then they will want to know if you want to sit in the smoking […]

53. Differences

A. LISTEN FOR OVERVIEW (NGHE HIỂU KHÁI QUÁT) Upload Music – Embed Audio Files – 53. Differences Listen carefully to the talk at least twice. How much can you understand? (hãy nghe đoạn độc thoại ít nhất hai lần. Bạn có thể hiểu được bao nhiêu?) B. LISTEN FOR VOCABULARY (NGHE TÌM TỪ VỰNG) Listen […]

53. Differences

Upload Music – Embed Audio Files – 53. Differences Are you tall or short? Are you big or small? People come in many different (1)shapes and sizes. Some people (2)wear size small clothes. Other people wear size (3)medium clothes. There are people who wear (4)large size clothes. Some people even wear (5)extra large clothes. Some […]

52. Grocery Shopping

A. LISTEN FOR OVERVIEW (NGHE HIỂU KHÁI QUÁT) Download Music – Free Audio – 52. Grocery Shopping Listen carefully to the talk at least twice. How much can you understand? (hãy nghe đoạn độc thoại ít nhất hai lần. Bạn có thể hiểu được bao nhiêu?) B. LISTEN FOR VOCABULARY (NGHE TÌM TỪ VỰNG) Listen […]

52. Grocery Shopping

Download Music – Free Audio – 52. Grocery Shopping What do you see when you go to the (1)……………….? The (2)……………… are filled with food. There are also refrigerators and (3)……………..filled with food. There are sometimes things in bins in the (4)………………..…of the aisles. There are different (5)……………………. in the grocery store. There is the […]