42. Wild animals

A. LISTEN FOR OVERVIEW (NGHE HIỂU KHÁI QUÁT) Download Music – Upload Audio – 42. Wild animals Listen carefully to the talk at least twice. How much can you understand? (hãy nghe đoạn độc thoại ít nhất hai lần. Bạn có thể hiểu được bao nhiêu?) B. LISTEN FOR VOCABULARY (NGHE TÌM TỪ VỰNG) Listen […]

41. Colors

A. LISTEN FOR OVERVIEW (NGHE HIỂU KHÁI QUÁT) Embed Music – Play Audio – 41. colours Listen carefully to the talk at least twice. How much can you understand? (hãy nghe đoạn độc thoại ít nhất hai lần. Bạn có thể hiểu được bao nhiêu?) B. LISTEN FOR VOCABULARY (NGHE TÌM TỪ VỰNG) Listen to […]

41. Colors

Embed Music – Play Audio – 41. colours Red is a (1)………………. color. (2)……………………. are sometimes red. (3)……………………. is red. White is the color of (4)………………….. (5)………………. are very often white. Blue is the color of the sky and the (6)……………….. Black isn’t (7)…………………a color at all. (8)………………… is black. A (9)……………..is black. Green is […]

41. Colors

Embed Music – Play Audio – 41. colours Red is a (1)vibrant color. (2)Roses are sometimes red. (3)Blood is red. White is the color of (4)snow. (5)Clouds are very often white. Blue is the color of the sky and the (6)ocean. Black isn’t (7)really a color at all. (8)Tar is black. A (9)crow is black. […]

40. Clothing

A. LISTEN FOR OVERVIEW (NGHE HIỂU KHÁI QUÁT) Play Music – Download Audio – 40. Clothing Listen carefully to the talk at least twice. How much can you understand? (hãy nghe đoạn độc thoại ít nhất hai lần. Bạn có thể hiểu được bao nhiêu?) B. LISTEN FOR VOCABULARY (NGHE TÌM TỪ VỰNG) Listen to […]

40. Clothing

Play Music – Download Audio – 40. Clothing I (1)change my clothes a lot. If I am going somewhere (2)fancy, I wear a (3)dress. I wear (4)stockings on my legs, and I wear a pair of nice shoes. If I am going to play sports, I wear a (5)sweatshirt and jeans. If I am going […]

40. Clothing

Play Music – Download Audio – 40. Clothing I (1)……………. my clothes a lot. If I am going somewhere (2)……….. I wear a (3)…………… I wear (4)…………. on my legs, and I wear a pair of nice shoes. If I am going to play sports, I wear a (5)…………. and jeans. If I am going to […]

39. My body

Music File Hosting – Listen Audio – 39. My Body On the top of my (1)head, I have hair. (2)Below my hair is my face. I have two eyes. I have (3)eyebrows and eyelashes. Below my eyes, I have a (4)nose. My(5) mouth is below my nose. I have (6)lips. If I open my lips, […]

39. My body

Music File Hosting – Listen Audio – 39. My Body On the top of my (1)………………., I have hair. (2)…………………………. my hair is my face. I have two eyes. I have (3)………………………. Below my eyes, I have a (4)………………….. My(5) …………………… is below my nose. I have (6)………………. If I open my lips, you will […]

39. My Body

A. LISTEN FOR OVERVIEW (NGHE HIỂU KHÁI QUÁT) Music File Hosting – Listen Audio – 39. My Body Listen carefully to the talk at least twice. How much can you understand? (hãy nghe đoạn độc thoại ít nhất hai lần. Bạn có thể hiểu được bao nhiêu?) B. LISTEN FOR VOCABULARY (NGHE TÌM TỪ VỰNG) […]