45. Describing Things

Upload Music – Embed Audio – 45. Describing things Some things are different (1)………………. They can be (2)…………………by their shape. A circle is (3)……………………… A (4)……………….. disc is a circle. A square has four (5)…………….. sides. A (6)………………..is similar, but two of the sides are longer. A (7)……………… has only three sides. Have you ever […]

45. Describing Things

A. LISTEN FOR OVERVIEW (NGHE HIỂU KHÁI QUÁT) Upload Music – Embed Audio – 45. Describing things Listen carefully to the talk at least twice. How much can you understand? (hãy nghe đoạn độc thoại ít nhất hai lần. Bạn có thể hiểu được bao nhiêu?) B. LISTEN FOR VOCABULARY (NGHE TÌM TỪ VỰNG) Listen […]

44. Days of the Week

Upload Music Files – Listen Audio – 44. Days of the Week There are seven days of the week. Sunday is a day of (1)rest for some people, but many people still have to work. Quite a few people go to (2)church on a Sunday. On Monday morning, we go back to school after the […]

44. Days of the Week

Upload Music Files – Listen Audio – 44. Days of the Week There are seven days of the week. Sunday is a day of (1)…………. for some people, but many people still have to work. Quite a few people go to (2)………….. on a Sunday. On Monday morning, we go back to school after the […]

44. Days of the Week

A. LISTEN FOR OVERVIEW (NGHE HIỂU KHÁI QUÁT) Upload Music Files – Listen Audio – 44. Days of the Week Listen carefully to the talk at least twice. How much can you understand? (hãy nghe đoạn độc thoại ít nhất hai lần. Bạn có thể hiểu được bao nhiêu?) B. LISTEN FOR VOCABULARY (NGHE TÌM […]

43. Months

Listen Music – Upload Audio Files – 43. Months There are twelve months in the year. (1)January is the first month of the year. It is usually cold in January. (2)February is the second month of the year. It is still winter when February comes. They say that March comes in like a lion and […]

43. Months

Listen Music – Upload Audio Files – 43. Months There are twelve months in the year. (1)………………. is the first month of the year. It is usually cold in January. (2)…………………. is the second month of the year. It is still winter when February comes. They say that March comes in like a lion and […]

43. Months

A. LISTEN FOR OVERVIEW (NGHE HIỂU KHÁI QUÁT) Listen Music – Upload Audio Files – 43. Months Listen carefully to the talk at least twice. How much can you understand? (hãy nghe đoạn độc thoại ít nhất hai lần. Bạn có thể hiểu được bao nhiêu?) B. LISTEN FOR VOCABULARY (NGHE TÌM TỪ VỰNG) Listen […]

42. Wild animals

Download Music – Upload Audio – 42. Wild animals Some animals are (1)wild. They don’t live in homes or (2)cages. They live in (3)jungles or on (4)plains. The lion is the king of the (5)beasts. He is very (6)mighty. He (7)roars loudly. The (8)giraffe has a long neck. He eats (9)leaves from the tallest trees. […]

42. Wild animals – gaps

Download Music – Upload Audio – 42. Wild animals Some animals are (1)…………………. They don’t live in homes or (2)………………………. They live in (3)……………….. or on (4)…………………. The lion is the king of the (5)……………………… He is very (6)…………………. He (7)………………. loudly. The (8)………………… has a long neck. He eats (9)……………………. from the tallest trees. […]