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Download Music – Upload Audio Files – 38. Jobs There are many (1)different jobs that you can choose from. You can be a doctor or a (2)nurse. You could work in a (3)hospital or doctor’s office. You might be a (4)firefighter and put out fires. A policeman (5)enforces the law. An actor plays roles on […]

38. Jobs

A. LISTEN FOR OVERVIEW (NGHE HIỂU KHÁI QUÁT) Download Music – Upload Audio Files – 38. Jobs Listen carefully to the talk at least twice. How much can you understand? (hãy nghe đoạn độc thoại ít nhất hai lần. Bạn có thể hiểu được bao nhiêu?) B. LISTEN FOR VOCABULARY (NGHE TÌM TỪ VỰNG) Listen […]

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Download Music – Upload Audio Files – 38. Jobs There are many (1)………….. that you can choose from. You can be a doctor or a (2)…………….. You could work in a (3)……………….. or doctor’s office. You might be a (4)…………….. and put out fires. A policeman (5)……….   the law. An actor plays roles on (6)…………….. […]

37. Diseases

A. LISTEN FOR OVERVIEW (NGHE HIỂU KHÁI QUÁT) Embed Music – Download Audio – 37. Deseases Listen carefully to the talk at least twice. How much can you understand? (hãy nghe đoạn độc thoại ít nhất hai lần. Bạn có thể hiểu được bao nhiêu?) B. LISTEN FOR VOCABULARY (NGHE TÌM TỪ VỰNG) Listen to […]

listen for vocabulary

Embed Music – Download Audio – 37. Deseases There are many diseases Some diseases are very (1)……………., and some are not so (2)…………….. Most people (3)………………. sometimes. A cold makes you (4)……………………. Colds can be (5)….…………….. from person to person. Some people get the (6)………………….. With the flu, you get (7)………………….. A fever is a high […]

Answer keys & Transcript

Embed Music – Download Audio – 37. Deseases There are many diseases Some diseases are very (1)deadly, and some are not so (2)serious. Most people (3)catch a cold sometimes. A cold makes you (4)cough and sneeze. Colds can be (5)passed on from person to person. Some people get the (6)flu. With the flu, you get […]

36. Holidays

A. LISTEN FOR OVERVIEW (NGHE HIỂU KHÁI QUÁT) Free Music – Share Audio – 36. Holidays Listen carefully to the talk at least twice. How much can you understand? (hãy nghe đoạn độc thoại ít nhất hai lần. Bạn có thể hiểu được bao nhiêu?) B. LISTEN FOR VOCABULARY (NGHE TÌM TỪ VỰNG) Listen to […]

Free Music – Share Audio – 36. Holidays In Canada, we have many different days that we (1)celebrate. On the first day of (2)January, there is New Year’s Day. That is when we (3)ring in the new year, and say goodbye to the old year. In (4)February, there is Valentine’s day. That is the day […]