Episode 30: Career decisions

Tim: Hi Alice, what are you reading? Alice: Oh. It’s about maternity and baby care. They’ve asked me to change wards. Tim: But you love working in the emergency wards. Alice: Yes, well.I want to work with Dr. Laver. Tim: Dr. Laver? Alice: He specializes in looking after children. He’s a great doctor, really friendly […]

Episode 29: A secret admirer

Helen: It’s Valentine’s Day. There’s a card for you Alice. Who is it from? Alice: Give me a minute. Let me read it first…It says: “Oh Nurse Alice. You’re the queen of my palace. I don’t know if you care for me. But I must tell my feelings free. Who knows what’s in store. Do […]

Episode 28: The year of the dog

Alice: Happy Chinese New Year Helen! What are you doing? Helen: Reading about our Chinese astrology signs. Alice: Oh do tell. Helen: Well, I was born in ’86 so I’m a tiger. I have an air of authority and am courageous but I’m also prone to emotional outbursts and react poorly under stress. Alice: Oh, […]

Episode 27: The hungry cat

Tim: I don’t believe it! Kitty’s just eaten my dinner. I was putting the kettle on and I turned round and there she was, eating my chicken. That cat’s a pain in the neck. Alice: Oh calm down. Tim: It drives me mad! I’m starving, I’ve been slaving away in that dusty old stockroom all […]