Episode 26: Planning a meal

Michal: Alice was only helping me! Helen: I’m sorry Michal, I didn’t mean to fly off the handle. What’s wrong? Michal: I was just telling Alice I wanted to eat better but that I didn’t know how to cook any of my favourite dishes. Helen: Mm, let’s think about this. I know! Chinese New Year […]

Episode 25: Fast food

Alice: Ooh, what’s that smell? Do I detect cheeseburger and fries? Michal, you disappoint me. What happened to all your resolve at New Year? Michal: I’m trying to give up fast food but it’s just so easy and cheap. I’m really beginning to run out of money so I can’t afford better food and I’m […]

Episode 24: The Stockroom

Manager: Morning Tim, you look very well turned out today. Tim: Thank you. It’s a new suit for the New Year. I like to look smart for the customers. Manager: Yes. Erm, I need to talk to you about something. I’d like you to work in the stockroom. Tim: The stockroom! But… Manager: I know, […]

Episode 23: New Year’s resolutions

Alice: Oh it’s nearly the New Year. Has everyone got their champagne glasses ready? There’s still time to think about our New Year’s resolutions. Tim, you go first. Tim: OK, this year I’m going to work really hard and try and get promoted! What about you, cousin Michal? Michal: I’m going to give up fast […]

Episode 22: Christmas lunch

Alice: OK, who’s for turkey and all the trimmings? All: Me! Helen: Let’s pull the crackers first! Michal pull one with me. Alice, you pull one with Tim. Tim: OK, here goes! Helen: I won! Tim: Ah so did I! Michal: What did you get? Helen: A hat, a key-ring and a joke. Are you […]

Episode 21: Tim’s treat

Tim: Hiya folks. How’s everyone this fine evening? Alice: Exhausted! I had to give someone mouth-to-mouth for the first time today! Helen: That’s so exciting, congratulations! You must feel really proud. Alice: Yes I do. How are you Helen? Helen: I’m tired, I’ve been staring at finance textbooks all day. Michal: I think my head […]

Episode 20: A date by the river

Helen: Oh Michal, that river cruise was fantastic. Michal: It was lovely seeing all those famous buildings, wasn’t it? Helen: Yes, Big Ben, the Houses of Parliament and the London Eye all looked so impressive in the winter light, didn’t they? Michal: You look lovely in the winter light too you know. Helen: Oh Michal, […]

Episode 19: Tim’s reward

Tim: Hello I’m calling from McCarthy’s. I helped you when you were looking at watches the other day. Customer: Yes? Tim: I think I’ve found something of yours. Have you lost anything? Customer: Not that I’ve noticed. No, nothing seems to be missing. Tim: Well, you dropped £150! Customer: Really! Tim: Yes. Now, how can […]

Episode 18: Emergency

Alice: Oh it’s so quiet tonight! You could hear a pin drop. Gives me a chance to catch up on my reading. Man: Quick, quick! Get a doctor! Alice: She’s just gone for a break. What’s the matter? Man: I don’t know. It’s my son. He’s stopped breathing. Alice: Oh no! Wait a minute, I’ll […]

Episode 17: Booking tickets*

Agent: Good morning, London Attractions. Michal: I’d like to book two tickets for next week. For River Boat cruise please. Agent: OK. When? Michal: Next Thuesday. Agent: Sorry? Michal: Thuesday. Agent: I’m sorry sir, is that Tuesday the first or Thursday the third? Michal: Thursday the third. Agent: Right, and what time would you like? […]