Findings About Soft Drinks and Aggression in Children

From VOA Learning English, this is the Health Report. A new study has found evidence of aggressive behavior in children who drink four or more servings of soft drinks every day. Information for the study came from the mothersof three thousand five-year-olds. Researchers asked the women to keep a record of how many servings of soft drinks their […]

WHO Urges Health Care for All

From VOA Learning English, this is the Health Report. The World Health Organization says everyone should have a right to the health care services they need without risking financial ruin. A new WHO report is urging countries to provide health care designed to meet the needs of their citizens. In 2005, all 194 members of the World Health […]

Anti-Malaria Bed Nets Can Fight Elephantiasis

From VOA Learning English, this is the Health Report. Scientists are working on ways to stop a disease that threatens one-fifth of the world’s population. Over 120 million people are infected with lymphatic filariasis, also known as elephantiasis. The disease is found mainly in Southeast Asia and Africa. It affects thelymphatic system, which is a major part of […]

Vietnamese Nurses Go to Germany and Japan to Study Geriatric

From VOA Learning English, this is the Health Report. Japan and Germany have the world’s oldest populations, but neither country has enoughtrained health care workers to meet the needs of older adults. Now, they are turning to Vietnam for help. This month, 100 young Vietnamese are going to Germany as part of a project to train what […]

Ethiopia Praised for 67 Percent Drop in Child Deaths

From VOA Learning English, this is the Health Report. The United Nations Children’s Fund is praising Ethiopia for reaching one of the Millennium Development Goals. UNICEF officials say Ethiopia has reduced child deaths by more than two-thirds. Between 1990 and 2012, Ethiopia reported a 67 percent drop in the number of children dying before the age of five. Ethiopia’s minister […]

Researchers Call for Stronger Efforts to End the Disease

From VOA Learning English, this is the Health Report. Researchers want new efforts to stop polio in countries where the disease never seems to disappear. They made the appeal in the publication PLOS Medicine. The researchers say stronger health systems and greater community involvement are needed in Nigeria,Afghanistan and Pakistan. All three countries face attacks by militants, […]

Protein in Mothers’ Milk May Protect Babies Against HIV

From VOA Learning English, this is the Health Report. Hundreds of thousands of children become infected with the AIDS virus every year. There boys and girls are born to mothers who have HIV, the human immunodeficiency virus. The children become infected during pregnancy or from breastfeeding. Recently, scientists identified a protein in breast milk that suppresses the virus. Now, experts […]

A Simple Cancer Test Saves Lives in Burkina Faso

From VOA Learning English, this is the Health Report. The World Health Organization says cervical cancer kills 250,000 women worldwide every year. WHO officials say four out of five of those women live in poor countries, like the West African nation of Burkina Faso. Doctors there are now using a simple, low-cost method to test for cervical cancer. They […]

Influenza Disarms the Body’s First Line of Defense

From VOA Learning English, this is the Health Report. From VOA Learning English, this is the Health Report. Infection by the influenza virus may be more complex than scientists first thought. Researchers in the United States reported recently that the flu virus appears to disarm the body’s first line of defense against disease. When the virus attacks, the […]

Speaking More than One Language Could Delay Dementia

From VOA Learning English, this is the Health Report. New research suggests that speaking more than one language may delay different kindsof dementia – the loss of mental ability. In fact, researchers say speaking two languages appears to be more important than education in defending against dementias. A study in India examined the effect of knowing more than one language in delaying the […]