Voices of America: Bill Alvarez, Everglades Guide

My name is Bill Junior, and this is the Everglades. Welcome to my office. This is where I make a living. It’s home. It’s awesome. I enjoy what I do out here. I come out here in the mornings. I’m out here every day — seven days a week. And, I enjoy showing the tourists all of the alligators […]

In Asia, an App to Bridge ASEAN Language Barriers

A company in Thailand says it has created a tool to help reduce language barriers among countries in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. The company developed an application or app for smartphones. It is called ASEAN One. The app will explain about 100 useful explanations in English and the ten languages of ASEAN. The software company is called iGnite Asia. […]

Studying in a Floating Classroom for a Life at Sea

Deep inside the ship named Golden Bear, it is hot — and the engines are noisy. But Vasile Tudoran loves what he is doing here. VASILE TUDORAN: “I knew I wanted to fix stuff since I was a little kid.” Vasile Tudoran is a mechanical engineering student at the California Maritime Academy. Most of the Academy’s students […]

A Pakistani Chef Shows Her Chops in New York

Few women become top chefs in New York City. But Fatima Ali has done so. She is the assistant chef at Café Centro. She may be the only non-American female chef at any of 70 top New York restaurants. Ms. Ali grew up in Pakistan. She says her training in America has taught her a lot […]