Prayers for Nature at ‘Surf City’ Beach

Surfers are out early most mornings to catch the waves at Huntington Beach, about an hour south of Los Angeles. They call this area “Surf City.” For Tom Morey, surfing is a passion, and a way of life. TOM MOREY: “Surfing to me is creation’s most succinct metaphor, best metaphor, for how to live your life. Surf your […]

Fake Medicines Pose Global Danger

The World Bank and other groups say about 40 percent of the drugs in parts of Africa and South America are either counterfeit or of poor quality. Experts say the use of such medicines can lead to treatment failure and even death. Experts working to stop thiscounterfeit drug traffic met recently in Washington. Louise Shelley heads the Terrorism, Transnational […]

‘I Eat, Sleep, Breathe, Live and Love Electronica’

Electronic Dance Music, or EDM, is a fresh sound. It began in dance clubs and is now heard on radio stations. Anyone with a laptop computer and simple computer software can produce it. DJ Deniz Koyu composes EDM. “Technology changes music. That’s definitely the case, and so you can say like the computer, the laptop is […]

What Politicians Can Learn From High School Debaters

Members of a Texas high school debate team are working on their presentations. They are debating a call to extend the federal ban on assault weapons. “This is a long-termban, if you see before this ban — ” “So how long will this ban have to go on? How long will we have to restrict people’s rights?” Debaters use […]

Recovery Dorms Help Students Fight Drugs and Alcohol

Some universities are offering separate housing and help to students recovering fromalcoholism and drug abuse. Rutgers University in New Jersey became the first American institution to offer such housing in 1988. Thirty-eight students live in the Recovery House dormitory at Rutgers. Gregory says his abuse included illegal drugs, alcohol and medicines only available under doctors’ orders. “Klonopin, Xanax, alcohol, marijuana […]

Frisbee and the Ultimate Pastime

These people are playing a sport called “Ultimate Frisbee” in Denver, Colorado. “When you mention that you play Ultimate Frisbee they either ask if it’s Disc Golf or if it’s the sport where you throw a Frisbee to your dog. No, it’s neither of those unfortunately.” “Scores like football. Runs a lot like basketball. But kind of has positions and plays […]

Technology Helps Deaf Students at Gallaudet University

Gallaudet University in Washington is the world’s only university with programs designed for deaf students and those who are hard-of-hearing. But hearing disorders do not keep students from learning because of the university’s heavy use of technology. Students use interactive technologies in and out of the classroom, technologies such as webcam interactions on Skype. More than 90 […]

Alcohol Abuse Costs US More than $220 Billion a Year

From VOA Learning English, this is the Health Report. A new study has found that excessive alcohol drinking costs Americans more than $220 billion a year. But the organizers of the study believe the biggest cost comes from the loss of worker productivity. Robert Brewer works for America’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a public health agency. He […]