Humans are too puny for email, bring on the spambots

Email isn’t broken. Our inability to handle all the data we generate and exchange marks us out as the weakest link ‘The modern phenomenon of boasting on Twitter about how many unread emails are in your inbox is just a way of saying, ‘OMG, look how important and in-­demand I am!’.’ Photograph: Roger Tooth for […]

Indonesian vote: both sides claim win

BOTH sides claimed victory Wednesday in Indonesia’s tightest and most divisive presidential election since the end of authoritarian rule, as unofficial tallies showed Jakarta governor Joko Widodo leading over ex-general Prabowo Subianto. The standoff in the hotly contested race to lead the world’s third-biggest democracy prompted President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono to call for restraint from […]

The house that 20,000 toothbrushes built

The house of waste built from recycled materials at the University of Brighton. Photograph: Jamie Smith Duncan Baker-Brown has seen the future of housing – and it’s rubbish. “It’s a depressing fact,” the architect says, “that for every five houses we build in the UK, the equivalent of one house in waste materials gets put into landfill.” What makes that […]

Raju ‘just the tip of the iceberg’ in cruel elephant slave trade

IT WAS the heartbreaking photo that brought people to tears around the world. Raju, the traumatised and mistreated elephant freed after being trapped in chains for 50 years, made headlines when he cried after being released and tasting freedom for the first time in his life. But Raju’s distressing tale was just the tip of the […]

10 sure signs it’s time to quit your job

IT’S A dilemma many workers face — how to know when it’s time to quit. If you’re not sure whether you should stick with the job you’re in or throw in the towel, a few signs can help you decide. To find out exactly what these signs are, and what they really mean,BusinessNewsDaily asked employees in […]

Samsung Galaxy Tab S review: a rival for the iPad?

Samsung’s gone all out to beat Apple’s iPad with a stunning screen, fingerprint scanner and snappy processor Samsung has thrown everything into its new flagship tablet, but is the Tab S good enough to beat the king of tablets, the iPad? Photograph: Samsung The Galaxy Tab S is Samsung’s no-holds-barred attempt to beat Apple and […]

Bright object spotted streaking over Melbourne sky

A BRIGHT object has been spotted streaking through the sky above Australia’s southern and eastern state. Social media lit up when the unusual spectacle was seen at around 10pm AEST last night. The object – described by witnesses as like a flame – was reported to be flying rapidly. Charmaine Harris from Thornbury said it […]

UK cities will exceed EU pollution limits until 2030, figures show

London, Birmingham and Leeds will all be in breach of safe nitrogen dioxide levels, according to government figures A cyclist passes buses in Oxford Street, London. The city is one of several UK urban areas in breach of EU pollution limits for nitrogen dioxide Photograph: Peter Macdiarmid/Getty Images Air pollution levels in London, Birmingham, and […]

Why is food so expensive in Australia compared to other countries?

AUSTRALIA grows its own fruit and vegetables, we produce the world’s best meat and we’re surrounded by seafood-rich oceans. So why are Australians’ grocery bills so expensive? It’s a question that we often ask ourselves when we travel overseas, and find ourselves raving about how cheap the food was. While there are a number of […]