Comics for the Digital Crowd

For the past thirty years, Golden Apple Comics in Los Angeles has been selling comic books to adults and children. EVAN CRAY: “I just like holding the pages and reading it.” The look of comics has changed little. But store owner Ryan Liebowitz says something new is happening. RYAN LIEBOWITZ: “In the last year or so, we’ve seen a […]

At Medical Museum, a Body of Knowledge

One of America’s oldest museums is the National Museum of Health and Medicine near Washington. It opened 150 years ago as the Army Medical Museum during the Civil War. Now, it has a new building for its collection. Jim Curley organizes the historical objects, like microscopes from the 1860s. JIM CURLEY: “What I find so significant is, […]

Saving Bonobos, the ‘Make Love Not War’ Apes

Bonobos live deep in the forest of the African Congo. Bonobos look like chimpanzees, but are a completely different species. Sally Coxe heads the Bonobo Conservation Initiative. SALLY COXE: “Chimpanzees have a male-dominated society, whereas bonobos are matriarchal. The females are in charge. They have a more egalitarian and cooperative society than chimpanzees, and they are the only primate […]

Rocket Scientist Steve Davis

Boston native Steve Davis is a key member of the SpaceX team that made history earlier this year by becoming the first private company to fly to the International Space Station. The California-based company reached another milestone this month by successfully launching its first cargo supply mission to the orbiting lab on behalf of NASA. […]

How to Become a Sports Mascot

Many sports teams use mascots to get people excited at games. “I am the Wild Cat. I learned a lot just about how to develop my personality and I think that will really help me.” Jesse King is a high school student. Frank Vespe works full time for a professional baseball team. He also helps train […]

River of Grass: Florida’s Everglades

Hundreds of birds fly in a sunny blue sky. The only sounds are their calls and the soft noise of water flowing through tall grasses. Below, dark green alligators move silently, like part of the Earth come alive. This is the Everglades – ten thousand square kilometers of low, watery land in Florida. The area is nicknamed “river […]

Environmental Students Work to Oust Invaders

Santa Cruz Island is about an hour by boat from the coast of Southern California. Santa Cruz was used for ranching in the 19th and 20th centuries. Now, students are helping bring wetlands back to the island. Irene Bailey works with the students. She says people brought invasive species to the island. This changed its environment. […]

Urban Renewal Project Gives Blocks a Makeover for a Day

An empty store becomes a restaurant. This building becomes a bicycle rental business, where people make fruit drinks. This is 25th Avenue in Denver, Colorado, an older part of the city where few people live. Community activists have changed the area, but only for a day. They are taking part in a national effort called the “Better Block Project.” […]

How the Paralympics Were Born

Britain’s National Spinal Injuries Center is pleased with its link to the Paralympic Games. The idea for the event began here 60 years ago. Dot Tussler is the head of physical therapy at the center. DOT TUSSLER: “We know some of those people competing, and we know that their journey started here, so we’re behind them all […]

With a Dental Drill, Turning Eggshells Into Art

Artist Tina Kannapel cuts and shapes eggshells with a dental drill and a steady hand. TINA KANNAPEL: “Eggs are a continuous arch. And because an eggshell is a continuous arch, it has a lot of natural strength. You will see eggshells where I’ve taken out so much that it looks like lace. And the whole, the […]