China Looks to Ukraine for Food

America is the world’s largest food exporter. But the worst drought in half a century is hitting corn and wheat harvests. The drought across the central United States adds to concerns about world food supplies and prices in the coming years. Experts say by 2050, the world will have to produce at least 60 percent […]

US Drought Renews Debate on Biofuel

American officials have sharply reduced their expectations for this year’s corn and soybean crops. Farmers in the Midwest are struggling with record heat and the worst drought in years. The United States is the world’s largest producer of corn and soybeans.  In August, the Agriculture Department predicted that corn production would total 10.8 billion bushels […]

Deadly Maize Disease Threatens Food Supplies in Kenya

Officials in Kenya are fighting a deadly disease attacking maize crops. Some Kenyan farmers say the disease has reduced crop production by as much as 60 percent. Last September, farmers in Bomet reported that a disease was destroying their maize or corn. The disease is called “maize lethal necrosis.” It makes the plant turn yellow […]

In the Garden: Growing Onions

Onions come in different sizes, shapes, colors and flavors, from mild and sweet to hot and strong. A full-grown onion plant has roots, bulbs and leaves. The leaves are long, thin and hollow. They stand straight up and thicken at the bottom to form a bulb.  Onions are biennials; their life cycle is two years long. But […]

Surviving a Drought: A Farmer’s Old-Fashioned Lessons

This summer, the remains of what had been Hurricane Isaac moved over the American Midwest. The storm brought rain to areas suffering from a severe drought. But the rain came too late to save many farmers’ corn and soybean crops. Crop insurance will help limit financial losses. But crop insurance is a tool that is not available […]

Recycling Cooking Oil Into Biodiesel

A small non-profit company in Cambodia is turning used cooking oil into high-quality biodiesel fuel. The idea is to reduce air pollution caused by low-quality diesel made from petroleum.  In Cambodia, heavy trucks usually use petroleum diesel. So do many older cars. The diesel sold in Cambodia is a high-sulfur fuel. It is banned in more developed […]

Seeking Ways to Reduce Overfishing

From VOA Learning English, this is the Agriculture Report in Special English.The pressure to feed Asia’s growing population has led to dangerous levels of overfishing near Pacific coastlines.An example can be found in Sindangan, a fishing town in the southern Philippines. Wild catches are falling while prices are rising. One fisherman says the area’s once healthy fish stocks […]

Worries About Rising Food Prices May Ease

From VOA Learning English, this is the Agriculture Report in Special English. A United Nations report says world food prices stayed the same in August. And that is good news. A measure, or index, from the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization showed that food prices rose six percent in July. A summer of drought in […]

Women Work to Make Dry Land Into Sustainable Farms

Africa’s Sahel area is dry and farming there is difficult. But in Burkina Faso, women could be important in improving agriculture. The United Nations Children’s Fund, or UNICEF, and its partners are working to support food production in the West African country.  In northern Burkina Faso, farmers till rocky land. Severe droughts are common and floods are […]

Daniel Hillel Wins World Food Prize for Irrigation Work

A researcher who helped make crops grow in dry areas has received this year’s World Food Prize. Daniel Hillel was recognized for his work in developing what is called “micro-irrigation” or “drip irrigation.” It has made farming possible in places where there is little rainfall. Watering plants drop by drop has changed agriculture by reducing the amount […]