Cowboy Mounted Shooting Still Draws a Crowd

Tens of thousands of people attend the Livestock Show and Rodeo in Houston, Texas. Some come to see cowboys competing in events like Cowboy Mounted Shooting. Shooting while on horseback was uncommon in the historic Old West. But it is often seen in movies about the West. Those movies led Jim Rogers, the Chairman of […]

Pets Bring Smiles (and Wags) to Retirement Home

Pat Wells brings her dog to visit people living at the Armed Forces Retirement Home in Washington, DC. PAT WELLS: “After 9/11, I wanted to do something to give back.” At first, she went alone. Then, she learned about the healing effect that animals have on people. So she started bringing her dog Rikka. PAT WELLS: “We saw […]

Helping Premature Babies Survive

Premature birth is the second-greatest killer of babies worldwide, after pneumonia. A report called “Born Too Soon” says one in ten babies throughout the world is born before the 37th week of pregnancy. As a midwife, Carole Presern assists women who are giving birth. She also has seen newborns die.  CAROLE PRESERN, PARTNERSHIP FOR MATERNAL, NEWBORN AND […]

Progress in Race to Save Cheetahs

Cheetahs are beautiful and speedy. They can run as fast as 110 kilometers an hour. There once were more than 100,000 cheetahs living in Africa and Asia. Today only about 10,000 of the animals remain. Most are in 24 African countries. Laurie Marker is working to keep cheetahs from disappearing. LAURIE MARKER: “I started working with cheetahs […]

A Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea

Donald Walsh is stepping back in time at the National Museum of the United States Navy.  DONALD WALSH: “Our job was to maintain and operate the bathyscaphe. The scientists at the Navy lab would decide what kind of research projects we have and what kind of equipment we put on it to make measurements and sampling under the sea.” […]

Fighting Mandatory Sentences for Drug Crimes

In 1998, Lawrence Garrison and his brother Lamont were students at Howard University in Washington. They both worked for the Justice Department, and planned to attend law school. But a man who had fixed their car was arrested on drug charges. He told investigators that the Garrisons had been involved. LAWRENCE GARRISON: “And they questioned me. That’s […]

A Soccer Team for Amputees in Haiti

In Haiti there is a soccer team unlike any you have ever seen. It is made up of players who have lost legs and arms, mostly during the earthquake in 2010. Just as the players are different, so is their field, called a “pitch.” People live near it. There are pools of water on it. And cows walk by. […]

US Charity Builds Libraries in Indonesia

Children in Western Sumatra love books. An American charity is building libraries around Indonesia including this one in Padang. Fiolisa Anggraini is a student there. “What I like most from this new library is the books, good books … they really can improve my knowledge.” The charity, The World is Just a Book Away, has built many libraries in […]

Hot Chelle Rae, the Band Named for a Fan Who Wasn’t Real

In 2005, Ryan Follese and Nash Overstreet formed the pop rock band Hot Chelle Rae. In 2011, the band had a hit song called “Tonight Tonight.” It sold over 2 million copies.  NASH OVERSTREET: “You know, we released ‘Tonight Tonight’ on Valentine’s Day of 2011 and that year just flew for us. You know, we […]

Uganda Fights Another Ebola Outbreak

Uganda’s latest outbreak of Ebola virus is the fourth in recent years. About 200 people died in the biggest outbreak, in 2000. 37 people died in the last outbreak in 2007. Ebola is a hemorrhagic fever — it can lead to bleeding inside and outside the body. Symptoms of the disease include high fever, vomiting […]