Fighting to End Polio in Nigeria

From VOA Learning English, this is the Health Report. Most countries are now free of polio, but the disease remains a threat in some countries, including Nigeria. Gregory Hussey is the director of the Vaccines for Africa Initiative at the University of Cape Town in South Africa. He says there is a worldwide movement to […]

Pakistan Improves Care for Wounded Troops

From VOA Learning English, this is Health. More than 5,000 members of the Pakistani security forces have been killed fighting terrorists and militants since 2001. Twice as many regular and paramilitary troops have been wounded. But the high number of deaths and injuries has resulted in improved care at the army’s top rehabilitation center in […]

What Your Blood Pressure Means

The heart is our life force. It pumps blood, which carries oxygen to every organ in the body. As the blood flows through the blood vessels, it puts pressure on the vessel walls. That pressure is often measured when you go to see a doctor or other health care worker.  Blood pressure readings are often taken […]

WHO Says Vaccines Save Up to 3 Million Children a Year

From VOA Learning English, this is the Health Report. The World Health Organizationsays vaccinations against disease save the lives of 2 to 3 million children every year.  The WHO says almost 80 percent of babies are vaccinated against preventable diseases like diphtheria, measles and whooping cough. But 20 percent are not protected. That is about 22 […]

Lower Prices for HPV Vaccine in Poorest Countries

From VOA Learning English, this is the Health Report. Experts estimate that 275,000 women worldwide die of cervical cancer each year. Cancer of the cervix kills another woman every two minutes. Eighty-five percent of the women live in the world’s poorest countries.  In richer countries, this kind of cancer is more often diagnosed early and treated.Cervical cancer is usually caused […]

Improvements in Trauma Care Save Lives

From VOA Learning English, this is the Health Report. In the United States, hospitals with the best resources to treat injuries are known as trauma centers. One of the largest is at the Los Angeles County-University of Southern California Medical Center. Dr. Demetrios Demetriades is the director of trauma services at the hospital. He says when a […]

The Dangers of Living Near Toxic Waste Dumps

From VOA Learning English, this is the Health Report. Millions of people in developing countries live near toxic waste sites. A new study looked at the dangers of living near these chemical waste dumps. An environmental group in New York studied water andsoil samples from 373 waste sites in Pakistan, India and Indonesia. The researchers found that more […]

MERS Virus Worries Public Health Officials

From VOA Learning English, this is the Health Report.The World Health Organization is expressing increasing concern about a virus that is similar to the respiratory disease known as SARS. The WHO calls the newly named disease Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus, or MERS-CoV.  Most cases of MERS have been reported in the Middle East, mainly in Saudi […]

Obesity Rises Among Children in Developing Countries

From VOA Learning English, this is the Health Report. The World Health Organizationsays there has been an increase in the number of children in developing countries who weigh too much. In African countries, the WHO says the number of overweight or obese children is two times as high as it was 20 years ago. Around the […]

Using Group Cognitive Therapy to Help Rape Victims in DRC

From VOA Learning English, this is the Health Report. Group cognitive therapy is a form of mental health treatment. A study has found that this form of talk therapy can help rape victims in countries where there are few trained psychologists. Researchers say the findings show that counselors in a community can be trained to provide group cognitivetherapy.  Judith Bass […]