How Facebook Can Affect Your Sense of Happiness

An American study suggests that social media can affect your thinking about other people. We asked young people how many friends they have on Facebook. COLLEGE STUDENTS: “I’ve never actually, like, stopped and looked at it. Probably somewhere between, like, 350 and 400 — I don’t know.” “I would definitely be on Facebook all the […]

Telling Stories Through Totem Poles

David Boxley is a Native American artist from the Tsimshian tribe in Alaska. He is a dancer, songwriter, and wood carver. He also is an ambassador for Tsimshian culture. DAVID BOXLEY: “We call it art now, but it was a way for people to say this is how I am. This belongs to me, or […]

Vinyl Records Go for a New Spin

For many Americans, vinyl records bring back memories of growing up in the ’60s and ’70s. At that time, people listened to Elvis Presley and The Beatles on black discs spinning on a turntable. Today’s younger generation did not grow up with vinyl records. But for them, vinyl is cool. Fourteen-year-old Jack Lowenstein visited Crooked […]

Pollution Can Make Vaccines Less Effective

Some researchers are warning about industrial chemicals called perfluorinatedcompounds, or PFCs. A new study found that PFCs weakened the effectiveness of vaccines designed to protect children from diseases like polio, measles and diphtheria. The protection is supposed to last a lifetime. PHILLIPE GRANDJEAN: “This was quite serious because we could also see that some of the children […]

Oak Ridge Boys Still Going Strong

No band is more recognizable to country music lovers than the Oak Ridge Boys. They began performing more than 60 years ago. Joe Bonsall has been with the group since 1973. JOE BONSALL: “Yes, the Oak Ridge Boys are still here, we’re still having fun, we’re still making new music. Great things are going on.” Recently, the four-member group released their 31st […]

At Catholic University, a Growing Number of Muslims

The Catholic University of America has welcomed a growing number of Muslim students in recent years. It is not just Catholics who feel at home there.  REEF AL SHABNAN: “Being in a religious environment where religion is practiced it makes it more understandable and easier to practice the religion itself.” Reef Al Shabnan is a Muslim […]

‘Hunger Games’ Is Right On Target With Fans

“The Hunger Games” is capturing the attention of moviegoers. The film is set in the future, in the ruins of what was once North America. Teenage boys and girls are forced to compete in a televised event in which they must fight to the death until only one survives. “Primrose Everdeen!” “Prim! I volunteer! I volunteer […]

Going to Kenya to Seek Runners’ Winning Formula

Kenyan marathon runners are world-famous for winning races. So some foreignathletes are traveling to Kenya to learn their secrets. Many of them go to the small town of Iten – about 2,400 meters above sea level and about 350 kilometers north of Nairobi. Lornah Kiplagat was born in Kenya. She has won marathons throughout the world and holds […]

More Young Americans Plant Themselves in Farming

Many young Americans with no farming experience are entering agriculture. They are learning about agriculture in college. Emily Sloss is showing visitors around Duke University’s new campus farm in North Carolina. EMILY SLOSS: “We don’t use synthetic fertilizers or pesticides.” Emily Sloss studied public policy at Duke. Now, she supervises the university’s new campus farm. EMILY SLOSS: […]

Death Valley: Beauty and Danger

Death Valley is a land of beautiful yet dangerous extremes. There are mountains that reach more than three thousand meters into the sky. There is a place called Badwater that is the lowest area of land in the Western Hemisphere. If there were water there, it would be eighty-six meters below the level of the ocean. Death Valley can […]