The Science of Herbs and Spices

People have been using herbs and spices for thousands of years. Generally, herbs come from the green leaves of plants or vegetables. Spices come from other parts ofplants and trees. For example, cinnamon comes from the hard outer cover of cinnamon plants. The spice ginger comes from the part of the ginger plant that grows underground. Some herbs and spices are […]

How Parents Can Try to Prevent Dating Abuse

Today we take another look at teaching young people how to build healthy relationships. Last week we told you about a new study in the United States. Fifteen percent of seventh graders in that study said they had experienced physical violence in a relationship with the opposite sex. Seventh graders are about twelve years old. Concerns about […]

Designing an Alternative to Antibiotics

In 1928 a British scientist made a “chance observation.” He noticed that some mold had grown in a bacterial culture plate in his laboratory. Molds can do that. But this mold had the ability to kill the bacteria around it.  The scientist, Alexander Fleming, found that the mold was a member of a common group known […]

With Physical Activity, No Need to Be an Olympian

Watching the Olympics probably made some people feel a little guilty about not exercising. The truth is, if physical inactivity were a sport, a lot of us could give a gold-medal performance.  To mark the London Olympics, the Lancet, a British medical journal, published a series of papers about the problem of inactivity. Public health experts say physical inactivity is […]

More Low-Cost AIDS Drugs Mean More People Treated

An American program called the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief helps millions of people infected with HIV. PEPFAR is considered one of the most successful programs created during the presidency of George W. Bush. Its goal was to change HIV/AIDS from a death sentence to a disease that could be treated. And for millions […]

Tobacco Forces Still Strong

The Australian High Court ruled in August to support a law barring tobacco companies from putting their advertising logos on cigarette packages. The European Union is considering a similar ban. But a recent international study showed that some countries do little to control tobacco use. It found that the tobacco industry still has strong influence around […]

Do Sex Strikes Work?

From VOA Learning English, this is the Health Report in Special English. About half of all people live in countries that are low or lower middle income. But these countries have more than 85 percent of all cases of epilepsy.  Medical experts say this is probably because of the higher rates of brain infections andhead injuries that […]

India Fights Encephalitis Outbreak in Children

Health officials in northern India say a serious outbreak of Japanese encephalitis has infected hundreds of children. Encephalitis is a viral brain disease. It can cause permanent disabilities and sometimes death. It is common disease in South and East Asia during the rainy season.  Experts say the virus spreads easily from country to country. And […]

The Struggle With Epilepsy in the Developing World

From VOA Learning English, this is the Health Report in Special English. About half of all people live in countries that are low or lower middle income. But these countries have more than 85 percent of all cases of epilepsy.  Medical experts say this is probably because of the higher rates of brain infections andhead injuries that […]

Syrian Government Looks East for New Sources of Medicine

Syria’s prime minister recently said his country will search for alternative markets to secure medicines. Medical drugs are in short supply because of the conflict between supporters and opponents of President Bashar al-Assad.  Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is trying to crush the revolt against his rule. The violence has raised an outcry in Western countries […]