Actions to Fight Hunger Fall Short of Promises

From VOA Learning English, this is the Agriculture Report in Special English. To “walk the talk” means to keep your promises, to do what you said you would do. “Walk the Talk” is also the name of a new report by the International Food Policy Research Institute.  The group says there has been a lot […]

The Many Uses for the Moringa Oleifera Plant

From VOA Learning English, this is the Agriculture Report. A listener in Nigeria asked us to talk about the moringa oleifera plant. This tree or shrub is grown for food and other purposes. Gerry Moore is a plant expert with the United States Department of Agriculture. He says the plant is high in protein, and […]

Schoolchildren in Virginia City Go Green

From VOA Learning English, this is Agriculture. The Go Green Initiative is a program for schoolchildren in the American city of Manassas, Virginia. It teaches earth-friendly behaviors, like recycling things instead of throwing them away.  Nine-year-old Louis Delggado has learned why recycling is important. He says throwing things away without recycling makes the earth a […]

The Risk From Imported Pests

Agriculture is a big business. More than $1 billion worth of agricultural products are traded internationally every year. But countries may put their own palnt at risk when thay import fruits, vegetables, wood and other products. As products are unloaded from ships and planes, some unwelcome visitors may find a new home.  The stink bug is […]

Afghan Farmers Again Increase Poppy Crop

From VOA Learning English, this is the Agriculture Report. Afghan farmers are expecting another big harvest this year, but officials at the United Nations and around the world see no reason to celebrate. The crop is opium. Farmershave been busy harvesting their opium poppies. One farmer in Helmand province says wheat and corn bring too little income. He says people […]

Straw Bale Gardening: Advice for Beginners

From VOA Learning English, this is the Agriculture Report. Straw bale gardening is a way to grow food above the ground. Straw is what remains of plant stems after grain is harvested.  The long, dry tubes are gathered into bales. Bales are often about a meter long and half a meter high and wide. Straw is different from hay. Hay is made from […]

Cassava Virus Spreads to West Africa

From VOA Learning English, this is the Agriculture Report. Scientists and agricultural experts recently met in Italy to talk about how to fight cassava disease. A virus that has been killing this important crop in East Africa has now spread to West Africa. Experts are concerned that it could spread quickly throughout West Africa, including […]

Debating Government Payments for Farmers

From VOA Learning English, this is the Agriculture Report. The United States Congress has been debating a new Farm Bill. This is a huge five-year plan that includes support programs for American farmers. Government payments make up eight percent of the income of farmers growing such major crops as maize, wheat, soybeans, cotton and peanuts. That eight percent is one of […]

In DRC, a Solution to Crop Thefts?

From VOA Learning English, this is the Agriculture Report. Farmers in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo are protecting against crop theft in an unusual way. The farmers are growing crops that are less likely to be stolen. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization says in the past year many farmers […]

Practicing Climate – Friendly Agriculture

From VOA Learning English, this is the Agriculture Report. Agriculture produces a lot of the heat-trapping gasses that scientists link to rising temperatures and climate change. Agriculture also can be hurt by the effects of climate change. The Worldwatch Institute in Washington suggests ways that agriculture can reduce its effects on the environment. Worldwatch released a report called “Innovations in Sustainable […]